Chasing Memories: The Forevermore Series, Book 2
door, and then returned to his side and slipped behind the wheel.
    “Nice car.”
    “Do you take the top down much? I bet the wind on your face feels amazing.”
    “It’s too hot to drive with the top down around here, especially at this time of year.” He proceeded to the exit and then pulled out onto the main road. “Did you get to see the sights yesterday?”
    He’d been going to show her around before she ran out on him, and there hadn’t been much time after her frenzied trip to the airport. “No, not really.”
    “I’ll take you.” He arched his brows. “Assuming you still want me to show you around.”
    “Sounds good.” And there went her mouth again, spewing words without the least bit of consideration for what the rest of her might want. Socializing with Lucas was a bad idea. No doubt about it. Why couldn’t she remember that?
    “Great. The rain should clear later this afternoon. We can head out then.”
    Good Lord, what had she gotten herself into?
    A loud clap of thunder boomed. India almost jumped out of her seat. She shivered. They couldn’t get to the sushi bar soon enough.
    “You okay?”
    “Yes, of course. The noise startled me, that’s all.”
    “You’re a little pale.”
    A tremor ran through her. “I don’t like driving in this weather.” It made her anxious as hell. A bolt of lightning flashed. Thunder cracked and rumbled. Damn it. Just want to get there and go back inside.
    “Holy shit.”
    A red Corvette zoomed by and tried to pass them on the right. Lucas blared the horn. The car pulled back into his own lane and sped away.
    “Sorry about that.”
    “Not your fault. It’s that idiot’s. Why do people drive crazy in weather like this?”
    “Your guess is as good as mine.” Lucas continued to drive, then slammed on the brakes. The car jerked and skipped.
    India screamed. Ahead, the same vehicle barreled toward them. On the wrong side of the road. The driver must have spun around on the slick asphalt. She stared out the windshield, wide-eyed. The Vette shimmied from side to side as it raced toward them.
    Lucas pulled the steering wheel hard. The Z4 skidded. India flew back against the cool leather, then flung forward as he righted the car. The seatbelt stopped her from hitting the dash. Gonna die if the other car doesn’t get out of the way.
    Images filled her head. Traveling in a car. Blinding, bright light. Torrential rain.
    Oh God, oh God, oh God. Her heart pounded. She began to sweat. The trembling started in her hands and radiated throughout her body until every inch of her shook violently. “No, no, not again,” she moaned.
    “I want you to breathe, India. We’re not going to die.”
    How could she when something had a vise-grip hold on her throat?
    “Come on. Stay with me. Nice and even. You can do it.”
    She concentrated on his calm, soothing voice. Let it wash over her, surround her. The choking sensation eased.
    “That’s it. Nice and easy. Deep, steady breaths.”
    She drew in another, and then another until her breathing returned to normal. Slowly, as if coming out of a thick fog, her senses returned, and she realized Lucas had averted the disaster and guided the Z4 to the side of the road, out of harm’s way. Thank you, Lord.
    “You okay now?”
    She nodded. “I’m sorry about that.”
    “No worries.”
    “How did you avoid a collision? The guy, or girl, was heading straight at us.” She shuddered.
    “The driver was a he—some kid from what I could see when we passed him.” Lucas turned his head and pointed out the back window.
    The sports car sat on the side of the road a short distance behind them.
    “And I didn’t have to avoid anything. He regained control long before he came close to hitting us. I only pulled over to make sure you’re okay.”
    Shit. Professional, along with calm, cool and collected had flown out the window at the first sign of trouble. Lord, what an impression she’d made thus far.

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