
Free Pleasure by Adrianna Dane

Book: Pleasure by Adrianna Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianna Dane
turns you on.”
    Helen stumbled along beside him, wishing they were alone and
private right this minute. Her legs trembled at the thought of finally having
him burrowed deep inside her pussy and feeling that special intimacy and
closeness that came from making love—not just having sex.
    Finally, he pivoted and drew her toward a pair of stone
stairs leading to a large spacious, Spanish design house.
    Her gaze widened in surprise. “This is where you live?”
    He grinned. “I told you I made some good investments over the
years. I’m not a poor man—I don’t need your money, Helen. In fact, the last
couple of years I really haven’t needed to work as an escort at all. But I
liked the challenge and the adventure. It wasn’t until you came along that I
decided it was time to move on. It took some work to untangle myself from
certain commitments, but I finally did it.”
    Helen laughed as she allowed him to guide her up the steps.
“It appears we were both on the same wavelength. I was the mayor, you know—one
of the reasons I didn’t argue with you when you said you wouldn’t see me
anymore. I was so torn.”
    “I know. I sensed you put a lot on the line by coming to
Vegas—I didn’t realize how much.”
    “I chose not to run for another term. And I sold my house.
Your postcard arrived just in time. I rented a small apartment and was planning
to travel. But something was still missing and I didn’t realize it until I got
the postcard. Then it all seemed to fall into place—well, more or less.”
    “Fate obviously took a hand.”
    They reached the top of the stairs and he turned to her.
“Welcome to my home, Helen.”

    They never made it past the walled patio. He pushed Helen up
against the glass sliding door, pressing his body close, melding them together.
His hands were at the front of her dress, expertly unbuttoning each small
pearly button and then peeling it down her shoulders. Quickly he unsnapped the
front opening of her bra and tossed that aside as well.
    In the meantime, she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and
her hands now worked frantically to push his pants down over his narrow hips.
She was shocked when she realized he wore no underwear. Not a speck of clothing
stood between her and him except for her flimsy silk panties which were now
down to her thighs and about to disappear.
    When they landed at her feet, she kicked them away and
pressed her body tightly to his. Oh, God, it was heaven.
    Helen dropped a hand to enclose his hard cock in her hand.
Oh, lord, it was so stiff and thick, assuredly longer than any she had
encountered before.
    Breaking the heady kiss, she glanced down between their
bodies, for the first time seeing him totally naked. He was glorious.
    “Oh, God, Lucas. You’re beautiful.”
    A chuckle erupted from deep in his throat. “You’re the one
who is beautiful.” He picked her up and began walking over toward a lounge
chair. “Don’t worry, no one can see us here, unless they’re flying above us.”
    She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pressing tightly
to his chest. His cock was pressed snugly between the wet lips of her pussy and
as he walked, it slid through her juices, driving her passion higher.
    “I need you now, Lucas. Right now. And I don’t give a damn
who’s watching. I’ve waited too long for you.”
    He lay her on the soft cushions of the lounge, untangling
her arms and legs and spreading her out. His gaze lasered over her. She reached
up for him, but he pushed her back.
    As she watched, he strode back over to his pants and pulled
something from the pocket. Before she knew it, he sheathed himself with a
condom and was striding back toward her.
    His cock thrust out before him, dancing and bobbing, stiff
and ready. He was all muscle, taut and hard, a powerful, young male stallion
about to claim her. Her juices trickled down her leg, her vagina pulsed, ready
to be taken.
    With fluid grace he straddled the lounger and spread

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