Grandma Robot
“You better take a look at this picture of your
great grandmother and great grandfather, Henrietta and Clell
    Helen laid the picture in front of
Karen. She set her cup down and picked the picture up for a closer
    “What do you see?” Helen
    “I don't know for sure. I never
met my great grandparents as you know,” Karen said. She laid the
picture back on the table.
    “Let me introduce you. This is
Henrietta. Most of the time she was known as Henie. I was a child
when the picture was taken on their sixty second wedding
anniversary. Grandpa died shortly after that. Grandma Henie wore a
blue dress with pink wild roses on it. Just before the picture was
taken she took off her pink apron. Does that dress look familiar?”
Helen tapped the dress with her finger.
    “Is that all? Mom, that is the
dress Henie has on, and I can see the resemblance in this picture
to the picture of the young couple I found in the attic.
    Mom, I can explain about the dress.
Henie didn't come here with enough clothes. We went through the
trunks in the attic and found that dress and several others she
liked so I gave them to her. They must have belonged to your
grandmother.” Karen hoped that was close enough to the truth to
seem believable. “Is that all?”
    “No, not quite. Explain to me how
that woman looks so much like my dead grandma in this picture.”
Helen tapped the picture with her finger again.
    “Coincidence?” Karen
    Helen raised an eyebrow. She wasn't
buying it. “What is her last name?”
    Karen's eyes shifted one way then
the other before she confessed, “I don't know.”
    “You're letting a stranger stay
here with you, and you don't know her last name. I thought I taught
you better about stranger danger,” Helen complained.
    “Mom, that was back in grade
school when I was a child. I'm grown up. I think I'm a good judge
of character, and I happen to like Henie. Besides, she helps out a
lot around here, and she's good company. What I meant to say was I
couldn't remember her last name right off,” Karen
    “So has your memory improved
suddenly?” Helen pushed.
    “Yes, I remember now. Henie's last
name is Robot,” Karen said quickly.
    “Robot. I don't remember any
families in this area by that name, but we've had newcomers moving
here all the time. How much do you pay this woman?”
    “Nothing,” Karen said
    “And the woman is all right with
that?” Shot back Helen suspiciously.
    “You saw her. She's elderly, and
she needs a home. She works for her room and board,” Karen
    “I still think you would be safer
living all the way out here if you'd get rid of that woman,” Helen
stated adamantly.
    “Fine, I've heard your opinion. I
just don't happen to agree with you. I'm staying right here and so
is Henie. Isn't it about time you headed home to fix Dad's
    “Yes, but I will call you in a few
days to see if you're all right. You just better be able to answer
the phone is all I can say,” Helen warned.
    “I will be, Mom. I promise,” Karen
answered, trying not to laugh.

Chapter 10
    The next morning after breakfast,
Henie came to the office door. Karen looked up from the pile of her
mother's black and white pictures.
    Henie said, “Sorry to interrupt.
I'm going for a walk. I figured I best tell you so you wouldn't
think I disappeared and start searching for me.”
    “I don't think a walk is a good
idea this morning. Have you looked outside? The fog is so dense you
can barely see your hand in front of your face,” Karen
    “So you might rust if you stay
outside in all that dampness long enough to go for a walk,” Karen
    “Nonsense, I'm made of a rust
proof material. Won't ever happen,” Henie countered.
    “Well, where were you going
anyway? To the barn to see the cat?” Karen asked.
    “Already been there and fed Sock.
The kittens are growing and so playful. You really should go see

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