Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3)

Free Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3) by JA Hensley

Book: Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3) by JA Hensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JA Hensley
throwing money at strippers tonight. I’m happy to drink whiskey, smoke a cigar, and see what happens.”
    “Damn, that’s not what I was hoping for. But as the big man said, it’s your night.” I tell the driver to take us wherever he recommends.
    We drive for at least thirty minutes before pulling up to La Casa Cigars and Lounge. There’s a short line of people waiting at the entrance. Our driver walks up to the door and when he comes back he nods toward the man he was talking to.
    “I think he just got us in, dude,” Kevin says.
    “Enjoy the hospitality, gentlemen. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to go.”
    I lead our group up to the bouncer who ushers us into the building to a secluded booth. He walks away without a word.
    “I kind of feel like Frank Sinatra,” Colin says with a smile. I have to agree with him. This place is like something you’d picture the Rat Pack hanging out in.
    Our waitress takes our order and comes back with Alec Bradley Sanctum Toros and Lagavulin for everyone.
    “I want to propose a toast,” I say lifting my glass. “To my little brother. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I can only hope one day I’ll be as over the moon as you are.” Did I really say that out loud?
    “Thank you, big brother. I’m glad all of you guys were able to come out this weekend. It means a lot to me to have each of you in my life. Most of you were there when we rescued Becca, and I don’t think it could have been done without you. So thanks for always having her back as well as mine.”
    We clink glasses and sip the buttery, smoky liquid. I don’t usually drink scotch, but this might convert me. James lights our cigars and the group falls into a comfortable conversation.
    Our night ends at Vice Versa, the bar in the hotel lobby. It’s almost two a.m. here, and we’re all beat. Most people don’t think about the time difference, but it can be brutal. After one drink the guys all head upstairs, but I’m feeling restless, so I stick around.
    “Looks like you could use some company,” she says as she sits on the bar stool next to me. Long legs, nice rack highlighted by a deep neckline, makeup just perfect. Yep, she’s a hooker.
    “I could, but I’m not really into paying for sex. Thanks anyway,” I say as I walk away. She shrugs and moves on to another guy. At least my instincts were right.
    I find a couch away from the bar and sit, really taking in my surroundings. This place is pretty amazing. The open concept with modern elements makes it seem futuristic yet something from the fifties. It’s quiet, yet busy. It doesn’t seem like anyone wants to talk too loud, or that they need to. I have to give Christin credit, she found a great hotel.
    Of course the thought of her makes my cock wake up. I silently remind him that it’s too dangerous to go there again. He pouts but doesn’t give up trying to convince me I’m wrong. Thankfully a distraction sits down just before my balls turn blue.



    The alarm on my phone woke me from a very pleasant dream. I hit snooze and tried to bring the image of a gorgeous man over me back, but it was too late. Now I’m awake, horny, and frustrated. The fact that I have to look at temptation all day isn’t helping my mood at all.
    “What time is it?” Becca mumbles from the bed next to me.
    “It’s almost eight. We have to be at the spa in thirty minutes.”
    “I need coffee. Is there a Starbucks downstairs?”
    “Yeah, I’ll run down while you get in the shower. I assume you want a caramel latte?”
    “Of course. It will look nice next to your marble macchiato,” she replies with a wink.
    “We are so fucking predictable. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
    I send Stephanie a text as I leave the room. There’s no way I’m knocking on her door if James is still in there. Some things you just don’t need to know about your friends.
    I hear a door close as I step out into the hall. There’s a woman obviously doing

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