Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2)

Free Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2) by Cathy McAllister

Book: Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2) by Cathy McAllister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy McAllister
erogenous zone. She could feel a powerful orgasm building up and she sank her nails into Kordan’s flesh as she came more intensely than ever before in her whole life. Incapable of holding anything back, she let out a scream of desire and only seconds later Kordan came, too, roaring as he pumped his seed deep inside her.
    Lory looked at the door that was just closing and she just made out Charly and Amano who were disappearing along the corridor.  
    “Someone was here. Charly and Amano were here,” she said frantically.  
    “So what?” Kordan murmured into her ear, satiated.
    “So what? They saw us. Saw us …”
    She could not bring herself to finish the sentence.
    “What’s so bad about that? You’re my mate. It’s normal for us to have sex together.”
    Lory was panic-stricken by the fact that she already felt more for this damn alien than she wanted to. After all, she wanted to return to earth and not be trapped on some alien planet forever. And above all she did not belong to anyone. He could put his macho act where the sun never shines. She moved resolutely away from him.  
    “I’m not your mate,” she blurted. “And I never will be, OK? We had good sex, perhaps even damn good sex, but that does not mean that anything has changed between us. And just to set things straight: this was a one-off slip-up and will never happen again. And now piss off! Get your hairy ass out of my face and leave me in peace!”
    Lory’s heart was pounding madly as she stared at him, her eyes flashing. She thought she saw pain in his unbelievable eyes for a moment, but then his face was controlled and devoid of any emotion. Good! She should also get her emotions under control. That was why she had to get herself out of his range as soon as possible. What had just happened between them had bewildered her too much. It was a complete understatement to say that she had had damn good sex. It was much more. And it scared her to death.  
    “If that’s what you think. Fine! I’m gone!” snarled Kordan, picking up his things.  
    Without looking at her, or turning round again, he dressed himself calmly and left the canteen.
    “Security level five,” he said as he went out.  
    Lory stared after him for a long time after the door had closed behind him.  
    “Damn it!” she murmured, beginning to dress herself with trembling hands. Her bra and her panties were history: silent witnesses of the damned hottest quickie of her life. One thing was certain, if she was ever to get home again: she would never forget this man and the passion that they had shared. And it was highly probable that there could be no other man in her life. Not after experiencing this. It would be pointless. No man would be able to top that.
    Once she had dressed herself and was ready to leave the canteen she became aware of another problem that she had not yet thought of yet. There was now no room for her on this damn ship. It was obviously out of the question for her to go to Kordan’s quarters. Where else could she go, though? She decided to go down to the lowest deck again where she had met Farron. Maybe he could help her.  

Chapter 5

    In the orbit of the planet Karrx7
    4th day of the month of Manao in the year 7067
    Federation Time

    Since the incident in the canteen Lory had moved in with Charly in Amano’s quarters. She had largely avoided Kordan, but when they came across one another they always came to blows. Kordan had a cool arrogance about him that drove her mad. A few times he had managed to catch her somewhere and kiss her. To her shame she had to admit that she put up far too little resistance. Even though she had always managed to get away, somehow, before he could do more than just kiss her, so far she had not managed to stop a part of her longing to simply let him win. Not that she would ever allow that to happen. However, their little interlude in the canteen had left its mark on her. Nevertheless, she was determined to ask

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