Dare to Dream
but only because I’ll need it if I find her hurt. You’ll get supplies because I’d be ornery not to. I’ll be coming straight back. Can I trust you to take care of Meghan?”
    Charlie looked like he’d been hit with a hammer, and even Meghan was taken aback by Will’s harsh words to his dad. What had transpired between the two while she lay unconscious this time?
    “I’ll care for her like she was my own.”
    Will’s expression softened and he placed his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “A man can’t ask for any more.”
    “I’ll get my list, some extra blankets and such.”
    Will came to sit on the edge of the bunk and held her useless right hand. “I’ll be gone a fortnight, maybe a little longer since I’ll have to go slow to keep an eye out. She got hair like yours?”
    Meg nodded as best she could and shrugged her left shoulder.
    Will ran his fingers through her tresses and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Yellow hair then, but not near so fine and soft as yours, nor as fair, I expect.” He nuzzled her earlobe. When she shivered, he chuckled. “I expect you well when I return, so you best get to work.”
    Nerve endings shot lightning bolts through her system, with her twat receiving most of them. This lovely, perfect, wonderful, caring man was interested in her. Her! And here she lay in rack and ruin. Her timing had serious flaws. And she needed to pee… really, really bad.
    Meg waved for the paper again. When Will lay the sheet on her chest, she managed to scrawl the letter P and pushed it back toward him. A devilish smile spread across his face. He rose and drew the curtain while she waited.
    “Go ahead.”
    He couldn’t mean…? She wouldn’t. She couldn’t! But in the end, nature won out. What began as the most mortifying experience of her life ended as the sensual experience she had ever known.
    Will begged her forgiveness, which at that point she was in no state to deny. He left her with a kiss on her lips, heated flesh, and a firm desire to get well soon. The man should work for Hallmark!

Chapter 11
    Will hated to leave the girl. Meghan Dennehy, she called herself. And while he chastised himself for abandoning her, he admitted she wasn’t a girl, but a woman. All the necessary parts were fully formed. He mentally kicked himself for the fool trick he played on her. Why didn’t he just help her to the pot? He had been thinking with the wrong head, and not for the first time. Both heads seemed preoccupied with Meghan since the moment her hair tumbled from under her hat.
    The wagon bounced into a chughole washed out by the rains and damn near bounced his ass right off the seat. Served him right.
    He’d embarrassed her. His heart felt like a fist squeezed it. Poor little pitiful thing. He’d taken advantage, knowing full well she couldn’t get to the chamber pot on her own. He wanted an excuse to touch her again and got his wish, but at what cost?
    His frown curled into a grin, remembering how her embarrassment had given way to something more. The remembrance caused his cock to harden.
    She tried so hard to ignore his ministrations. By the time he washed her clean enough to suit him, she panted like a dog on a hot August afternoon, eyes closed, face flushed, skin shining through the dew of sweat. She was a sensitive filly. He readjusted himself, but his britches seemed determined to geld him. He deserved his torment, he told himself, and turned his focus to something else.
    Remembering he needed to pay more attention than usual, he tried to push thoughts of Meghan from his mind. He promised to look for her friend, Donna, which was why Bess pulled the wagon and not Bob. Both mules were surefooted, but Bess about drove herself, leaving him to pay attention to the drop-off and watch for signs.
    Where was his granddad when he needed him? He could track a sparrow in flight. If Donna lay injured out there, he’d find her right quick. He might also be able to help with Meghan. He taught

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