Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)

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Book: Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
moving around came to him and in a few moments. She opened the door.
    “I expected a drunken college kid at the wrong room.” Envy said as she turned to walk into her suite leaving him to follow or not.
    “That happen much?’
    “Not yet, but these are young ones away from home for the first time.”
    “You’re not much older than these so called young ones.”
    “I’m much older in the ways that count. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly innocent about evil. What brings you here, Justice?”
    “You. Why did you leave me?”
    “I wanted to save you the embarrassment of a tear filled parting. Don’t you men hate women who cling?”
    “I was waiting to tell you how I felt until we settled in and you were more comfortable. Imagine my surprise when I woke alone.”
    “What do you mean? Remember I have no experience with relationships and just put it out there plainly.”
    “I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, it just took me a while to realize it. I want a home and a family with you. You are all that I need to survive. You’re my one, my mate, my love, and my everything. Is that plain enough?”
    “Not bad for a warrior.” Envy said as she threw herself into his arms. “What do we do now? You’re committed to Moon Hunters and I’m committed to Mazlan University.”
    “Is that what they’re going to call it?”
    “It’s the top choice right now. Stop changing the subject. How can this possibly work?”

    Envy was tired but happy. They had bought a piece of land and their house was being built. Meanwhile, they were living in a luxury RV that the college had bought for the archeological digs Envy would be supervising and Justice guarding. Eventually, she might become the head of the Archeology and History department of the University. It was a dream, but not an impossible one.
    Justice had also worked things out with Cash. He would do a few of the harder jobs every year and the rest of the time was his own. His dream of opening a training facility would be a reality in a few months. The facility was being built and he already had hired some well-known martial artists from various backgrounds. There would also be specialists with bombs, guns, and other devices. Right now, training was his only focus, but the potential to spread out into security was there.
    “Hey Baby,” Justice said as he came up behind her. She was cooking over the campfire which was a hard skill to develop if you’d never done it before.
    She leaned back into him enjoying the feel and the smell of him. “How was your day?”
    “It was better than any day I ever had without you to come home to. I don’t know what I would do without you now.” He nuzzled her neck.
    “How do you feel about adding someone else to the equation?”
    For a second, he couldn’t wrap his head around what she had said. It suddenly occurred to him and he went weak in the knees. “A baby?”
    “Yes, a little Justice.”
    “Or a little Envy.”
    He pulled her into his arms. “I never knew happy until I knew you. You’ve made my life perfect and I will love you forever!”

    Moon Hunters Inc.
    Book 2
    Deadly as Cyn, she’s sent on a mission after a bad guy. Luke Danvers is sexy as hell, can he really be the monster her boss believes he is? It’s up to her to prove his innocence or take him out. If he’s really the anonymous mastermind behind the secrets at space station Alpha and the heinous lab hidden at Pluto, can she take out a man she’s grown to love? And how can she love a creature that loves to kill the innocent?
    Luke doesn’t know what to make of the beautiful but distant woman who was sent to negotiate a contract with him for Oison. One minute she’s hot as she shows interest in him as a man, the next minute she’s once again the cold negotiator. How can he find a way to get to the woman inside?
    With so much at stake and so much muddying their relationship, can they ever find their

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