Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)

Free Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1) by Catty Diva

Book: Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
everywhere. He approached the head guard, Azam.
    “Have you seen Envy?”
    The look of pity crossed his face then disappeared. “She left.”
    “Left where? When is she coming back?”
    “She left on a shuttle and I don’t believe she intends to come back.”
    Justice was crushed by that news but he rallied. There was nothing he could do right now, but once he reported in to Cash and filed his paperwork, he would be on her trail. He didn’t know why she would leave or even how she could fight their bond like that, but he would find out. She was his and he was hers, he would prove that to her.
    Right now he had a shuttle to catch, tomorrow he had a mate to retrieve. Back at his room, he packed everything that was left. Leaving, he cast one backward glance to take in everything they had shared for almost two weeks. It made no sense to him how she could turn her back on all they were to each other. Weren’t females supposed to be the clingy ones?
    Riding the shuttle to the moon, Cash waited for him at the transport station. “Looks like you’re a little light.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I was expecting two.”
    Justice wracked his brain. Had he told Cash about her or did he just know? “Yeah, me too. She bolted.”
    “I know.”
    “You know where she is?”
    “What will you do with the information if I give it to you?
    “She’s mine, Cash. I don’t know why she left, but I planned to claim her once we were settled in here.”
    “Looks like you waited too long. Let’s clear this job and then we’ll get personal.”
    “Alright.” Justice had no choice. If Cash gave the information up, it would save him possibly weeks of searching.
    They got to the office. Even though Justice only owned one percent of the business. Looking at the building filled him with pride. The outside fit in with the terrain using local rocks and colors that blended into the landscape except for the glass. There were huge floor to ceiling windows but they weren’t the usual glass. Local sand was used when making them and they were tough and would stand the test of time.
    They entered and they were surrounded by luxury. It was a male’s space with metal and leather, except for a few female touches like plants and a water feature. Cash led them straight to his office where he would record Justice’s description of what happened. It would be mostly accurate, up to the point where he’d discovered the old man’s already dead corpse. Yeah well, no one was stupid enough to include the assassination itself in a report and if they were, they would probably be taken out themselves. The old man was dead, but Justice wasn't going to admit to killing him. Instead, he said he found him dead already. All parties involved would understand that he couldn't admit on paper to killing someone.
    A couple hours later, Justice was worn out in a most unusual way. “Go, rest up and we’ll talk later.” Cash said as he urged him to go upstairs. Justice had a small one bedroom apartment up there. As soon as he got to his bed, he kicked off his boots, stripped, and crashed.
    As soon as he fell into his bed he was asleep, but at first it was a tormented rest. He fought his pillows and his sheets as he dreamed of the one that got away. She would not be gone long. The thought calmed him and his rest was deeper and truer as his psyche was eased.
    Pounding on his door woke him. It was Cash, of course. “I thought you’d be back downstairs after a couple of hours.”
    “How long did I sleep?” Justice asked wearing a pair of boxers he’d pulled on so he could answer the door.
    “Eight hours. Either that girl fucked you up or you’ve been sleep deprived, hell, maybe both.”
    “You come here to tell me something? Justice asked pointedly.
    “I know where she is and I have a job nearby. Take the job, finish it first, then you can check on her.”
    “How long will the job take?”
    “As long as it does. How would I know? When you get the answers? My

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