Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)

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Book: Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
best guess, a week.”
    “Can I keep an eye on her too as long as my target comes first?”
    “What the hell, sure. Just assure your work gets done.”
    “You’ve got a deal.”
    Cash went over the job. It wasn’t exactly routine. It was more sabotage on Oison. The place was becoming known for it. Envy had taken a job as a teacher. It wasn’t what he expected, although he saw how it would be challenging.
    Packing his bag, in two hours he was at the house he would stay in on Oison and ready to check out the farm that was getting destroyed one piece at a time. Razar had gotten him appointments and credentials as a farm equipment salesman. As such, he could ask lots of questions and get a tour of the whole property.
    Once that was done, Justice felt he would have results in less than a week, much less. His next goal was to keep an eye on his female. He wanted to be careful so she wouldn’t see him. The school year hadn’t started yet here since the college was newly built or at least partly built. From a distance, he did manage to watch her when she was outside. At night, she seemed to stay in her room from the information he’d managed to get from the few students that had met her.
    That worked fine since the sabotage was taking place at night. If they turned up tonight, he intended to have them.
    Justice leaned against the wall of the big barn he was in. The door was slightly open to let in some air but in a way that gave the impression someone had left in a hurry and was careless about locking up. He hoped it would lure in the culprits because he had personal business he needed to get on with. Voices sounded just out of sight and if this wasn’t them, his night was a waste.
    The sounds came closer and he could hear what they were saying. “Are you sure we’ll get paid, Silas? I heard the old man died.”
    “Yeah, he did. But the old man hasn’t been in charge for a while. We’ve been getting orders and pay from someone else.” Silas said.
    Justice checked to see his com was recording and hoped the voices were clear enough and loud enough to be heard on the recording. They came right into the barn with no idea they could reach out and touch him. His com had visual too and he saw they were pouring gas all over everything. One guy pulled out a lighter, it was time to put a stop to this.
    “Don’t do that. You’re surrounded and if you start a fire, you will be shot.” Justice said his voice deep and loud.
    The man dropped his lighter and they both tried to run. He threw a special weapon at their feet that tangled them up and they fell to the ground. The ropes had balls on attached to each end and when they hit something, they wrapped around it. They were Benishan ball ropes and Justice was an expert at using them. With the offenders in hand, he placed a call to his Oison contact who was not thrilled at being woken up at this hour.
    “Why did Razar give you this number?” The male growled.
    “I just caught your saboteurs and I need you to pick them up and deal with them.”
    “Why didn’t you say so?”
    “I thought Razar had filled you in.”
    “Ha, he only gave you my number because I’m newly mated and he finds it funny.” The male hung up and Justice hoped he was on his way. He need not have worried, the male was there in ten minutes.
    “Did they give you any information?” He asked. Justice played him the recording. “Can I get a copy?”
    “I already sent it to your com and Razar’s.”
    “You people from the Moon Hunters are very efficient.” The male said approvingly. “I’ll handle these two and I look forward to your report.”
    Justice wasn’t worried about his report. His concern was the female who had run from him and he wasn’t about to let her get away. That was where he was headed now. It wasn’t far and he made it in less than an hour.
    He stood at her door trying to decide what to say. Finally, he just knocked and hoped the right words would come to him. Sounds of someone

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