Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2)

Free Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2) by Heather C. Myers

Book: Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2) by Heather C. Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather C. Myers
– the one thing she knew more than anything – was that she wanted her first time to be with the man sitting next to her in the town car.
    Currently, Andrew’s fingers were laced through her own, his thumb gently caressing the top of her hand.  It reassured her and frightened her at the same time.  Strong emotions were bubbling below her surface, and instead of looking at Andrew, she looked out the window and took in the scenery.  She wanted to be back at the castle and wanted to be further from it at the same time.  She was both excited and scared.  Finally, she understood what the anticipation of the first time actually felt like.  And she was certain that the questions running through her mind weren’t unique to her either.
    Would she be good enough for him?  When he realized that she was indeed a virgin, would he even be interested in her?  What if he didn’t like it?  What if she didn’t like it?  Did that mean they were sexually incompatible, and as result, had to break up?  What if he wanted her to try some tricks she was uncomfortable with?  Would he be mad at her if she didn’t comply?  Would he look elsewhere to find his sexual needs satisfied?  What kind of protection would they use?  She wasn’t on birth control.  Did Hell even have condoms?  Was protection necessary here?  Did it even matter?
    Was he just using her?
    Harleen had made the conscious decision to not have sex with anyone until she was certain that she loved them, trusted them, wanted to be in a long term relationship with them, and desired them sexually.  Did her desire for Andrew escalate all of a sudden?  Did this mean that she loved him and trusted him and wanted to be with him, or was sex really as unexpected as Harleen thought?  Or was it a mixture of everything?
    Maybe you shouldn’t think on it too much , a voice in mind said, simultaneously giving her something to think on while trying to help work through her problems.  The only thing that matters is whether or not you feel ready and you’re not doing this for anyone other than yourself.
    I want to do it , Harleen answered herself, knowing that if she mumbled, Andrew would wonder why was talking.  I want to experience it, but more importantly than that, I want to experience it with Andrew.
    Then those questions don’t matter , the voice told her.  You’ll figure out everything eventually.  Let yourself live in the moment.  Oh, but it’s wise you ask about protection.  Just because people here are dead doesn’t mean they don’t have STDs and you don’t want to get pregnant yet do you?
    “No,” Harleen said, and didn’t realize she had spoken aloud until Andrew nudged her shoulder with his.
    “You okay?” he asked in his deep Australian brogue.
    “Yeah,” Harleen said, her voice soft.  “I just don’t want to get pregnant anytime soon.”
    Okay, so she hadn’t exactly expected to say that, but once it was out of her mouth, she couldn’t exactly take it back, now could she?  Instead of looking at her as though she had suddenly grown two heads, he smiled at her, his eyes crinkling in amusement.  He squeezed her hand and pulled it so it rested on his lap.
    “Don’t worry,” he reassured her.  “Things work a little differently down here than they do up there.”
    Harleen felt herself relax, but it was only when they reached their bedroom did she realize what was going to happen.  She didn’t feel too nervous, but anxious and a little bit excited.  Her eyes watched Andrew sharply as he began to light candles with his finger, no matches necessary.  Besides the flickering flames, the room was completely dark, the tone romantic.  If Harleen had been watching this as a movie, she would think it was cheesy.  But then again, it was always different if something happened to her.
    When he was finished, Andrew turned and stared at Harleen, gazing into her eyes, trying to decipher

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