The Rebel Spy

Free The Rebel Spy by April London

Book: The Rebel Spy by April London Read Free Book Online
Authors: April London
Tags: Historical
the brush where they hid.
    Tamsyn froze, holding her breath, certain he’d spot them.
    “Keep looking. I’m going to break the reb bitch when I find her.”
    “I’d like to help you break that little piece.” The other soldier laughed and massaged his crotch.
    “Steele should have strung her up by the neck the night we caught her.” Waxman growled. He stalked to the creek’s edge. “Bastard saw nothing but her blonde snatch.”
    James curse under his breath as she fought the urge to vomit.
    “Come on, let’s look closer to camp.” Waxman walked along the creek’s edge, eyes intent on the bank.
    James held her still in the freezing mud while they waited until the soldiers disappeared from sight.
    “Oh, God.” Tamsyn started for the trees. “Elizabeth.”
    What the hell might Waxman be capable of?
    “Tamsyn, wait.” James gripped her arm.
    “No. I have to check on Elizabeth.”
    “Your clothes,” he whispered and motioned to her clothing littered on the grass. He moved to pull on his gray trousers.
    James raced through the thin line of trees toward the cabin and nearly collided with Tamsyn when she stopped just inside the clearing where the cabin sat.
    Davis sat on the front porch in the rocker with Elizabeth curled under his arm. Her giggles carried across the yard while she listened to her uncle’s story. He touched Tamsyn’s back and urged her forward. Her wet hair dried in wispy curls around her shoulders.
    When they started up the steps Davis’ gaze swept over them. Ah, shit. He knows.
    “What’s wrong?” Davis asked.
    “Did anyone stop by earlier?” James cleared his throat.
    “No, General. Just me and Elizabeth here.” Davis shook his head. His eyes flickered between the two of them and scanned the trees behind them. “Were you expecting someone?”
    James clenched his jaw. “No.” He slid his hand down Tamsyn’s arm and gripped her hand. “You’ll be safe. I’ll see to it.”
    She swallowed hard, eyes wide with fear. He dipped his head and touched his lips to hers. “I promise.”
    “General Steele!” Knowles ran across the yard. “General Grant is at camp. He waits for your immediate return.”
    Damn. He’d forgotten General Grant was expected that afternoon.
    “Mr. Hart, keep your sister and niece inside.” His tone resumed that of a commanding officer accustomed to obedience. He noticed the rifle leaning against the rail. “ And your weapon within arm’s reach.”
    He squeezed Tamsyn’s hand before releasing it. And turned his gaze on Knowles. “I have discovered the snake in our camp.”
    Knowles nodded. “Is it who you suspected?”
    “Yes.” James scanned the trees. “No one in or out.”

Chapter Ten
    James hurried through the camp. The men paid him no heed. He pushed his still wet hair away from his face and stepped inside the tent.
    “General Grant, I apologize…”
    “No need, James.” General Grant waved the apology aside. “Did you enjoy your swim?”
    “Bath, sir,” James corrected.
    “On to business then.” Grant paced the tent, his hands locked behind him.
    James adjusted his uniform while he listened.
    “Several of your men have approached me.”
    James slowed his movements and remained silent.
    “They are concerned about you. Or more specifically your activities. Particularly your behavior regarding your prisoner, Mrs. Moody.” Grant stopped his pace and turned a hard stare on James. “Several of them seem to believe you are engaged in some sort of romantic affair with the woman.”
    James clenched his jaw.
    “Are you?”
    “Friends close, enemies closer.” James forced a smile. “I don’t believe the woman to be a threat, General. Her dead husband made a dying request she tried to carry out.”
    “You don’t believe she’s involved otherwise?” General Grant resumed pacing.
    “No, sir, I don’t.”
    “All right, I release you from your responsibility to her.” General Grant nodded. “Put the woman on a

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