Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2)

Free Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman

Book: Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamallah Bergman
stroke or something. Luckily
a lady cop came over to her door, “Is there any way that I can have something
for my head, my head is pounding like crazy right now.”
    “We aren’t allowed to
give out anything to the prisoners, honey.”
    Delia gave out a
frustrated sigh, “Please ma’am, I am desperate for some kind of relief, an
aspirin or something to help take care of the throbbing in my head.” The woman
could obviously see how she was in need. God, Delia, you’ve got to calm
yourself down to stop the throbbing.
    “Let me see what I can
do for you, hon.” And with that she walked away, giving Delia some bit of hope
for relief as she sat back down on the bench and waited. They hadn’t even let
her make a call when she came in, how was she going to let Jaslyn know what was
going on? It was about three minutes later when the officer came with a cup of
water. Once the door was opened, the officer handed her the water and then two
pills. “Thank you so much.” Quickly she took the pills and gulped down the
    “A lawyer called here
for you and is on his way. Honestly, I see you out of here soon, because from
what I heard, you had every right to be angry.” The lady officer assured her.
    “A lawyer, do you know
    “Umm, it’s a Mr.
    Simone, she thought.
Thank God, he was coming to save her. “Thanks so much for the pills, Lord
knows, I needed them bad.”
    “You’re welcome. When
he comes I’ll have him come back here to talk with you.” And with that the lady
officer left her once more while Delia sat back down on the bench.
    Thirty minutes had
passed when the doors opened and Delia saw the lady officer accompanied by
Simone coming into the hallway. Quickly she got up, looking happy to see him
and she could tell by the look he gave her that he was concerned. When the door
opened, he walked inside quickly grabbing her by the arm as she smiled. “Thanks
for coming, how’d you know I was here?”
    “Andrew called me and
told me you were in jail. Now I want you to tell me all that happened,” Simone
said as he got out a folder.
    “I had a lunch date
with Mrs. Smith over at Luana’s today. Instead of having lunch, she told me
that Rodger was not going to see me anymore. That basically he was going to be
going back to business with the family and moving on with his life. Told me
that the two years we were together, were nothing more than a fling. I told her
she was lying but then she got on the phone and that’s when Rodger came in. He
sat down next to her and then had the nerve to tell me that it was a fling, we
should part ways and that would be it. The entire time she sat there with that
smirk on her face. Well, I showed her by throwing that water in her face and
when I got up Rodger tried to ask me why and I went and slapped him dead in his
sorry-ass face.” Even though the incident wasn’t funny, Delia couldn’t help but
laugh at the smile on Simone’s face.
    “Then what happened
after that?” Simone coughed, evidently trying to compose himself.
    “I got into my car
heading back home. Then a cop pulled me over after I had been driving awhile.
That’s why I’m here now.” She watched him looking over the papers in the
    “Other than all that
happened, how do you feel?”
    “The lady officer gave
me something for my head because I had a booming headache. But I’ll be happy to
get out of here.” Delia told him.
    “Well, from what the
witnesses have stated, especially one customer who was sitting in the other
booth, it seemed that Mrs. Smith was the instigator in this whole thing. She
stated that Mrs. Smith had been bad-mouthing you the entire time you were
there. She even went on to say that basically both Mrs. Smith and Rodger got
exactly what they deserved.” Simone chuckled while Delia smiled. “And it seemed
like the hostess as well as the waitress said the same thing too, because you
all were very loud. Don’t worry, I’ll go see if they
have set

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