Coming Apart (9780545356152)

Free Coming Apart (9780545356152) by Ann M Martin

Book: Coming Apart (9780545356152) by Ann M Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M Martin
Snowy Day
to her. “One day you’ll see snow for yourself,” Flora said. “Of course, we need cold weather for that, but we’ll get some eventually.”
    Flora was telling Janie about snowstorms and snow days when she realized that her cousin had fallen asleep. With a sigh she carried her back upstairs and laid her in the crib. She tiptoed out of the room and down to Allie’s study, where she peeked around the door. Her aunt was sitting in front of her laptop, typing furiously.
    â€œAunt Allie?” said Flora, and Allie jumped. “Sorry. Am I interrupting?”
    â€œYou startled me. But I’m awfully grateful to be able to get some work done. This is wonderful, Flora. Thank you. What are you and Janie up to?”
    â€œShe just went down for a nap,” Flora reported. “So I was wondering what you wanted me to do now.”
    Allie sat back in her desk chair. “Let me see. I’m not sure.”
    â€œDo you want me to take care of Janie’s laundry again?”
    â€œDo you really want to? You could go home if you like. I’ll probably have close to an hour of writing time before she wakes up.”
    â€œNo, no, I’ll stay!” Flora insisted.
    â€œWell …”
    Aunt Allie glanced surreptitiously at her watch, and Flora caught the small motion.
    â€œI know, I know,” said Flora. “You have limited time. That’s why I’m going to stay to help. Won’t it be nice if I get things done for you now, and then you won’t have to worry about them later?”
    â€œYes,” replied Allie, but she let a small sigh escape.
    Flora clapped her hands together briskly, the way Min sometimes did. “Okay. So, what needs doing? Should I organize Janie’s books? I noticed that they’re a little out of order.”
    â€œReally?” murmured Aunt Allie, whose eyes were on the computer screen. She turned back to Flora. “Sorry. What did you say? Janie’s books are out of order?”
    â€œYes. I mean, they’re all just tossed randomly into her bookcase. I could straighten them out — and put them in alphabetical order.”
    â€œIf you really want to, okay. But do you think you can do that without waking Janie?”
    â€œYes. And if I can’t, I’ll come back downstairs and see what else needs to be done.”
    â€œMmm,” said Allie, who was once again gazing at the screen.
    Flora tiptoed back up to Janie’s room. She eased the door open and settled herself in front of the bookcase. The case was low, with just two shelves, and on the top sat a lamp and several toys. Flora placed the toys in Janie’s toy basket and then kneeled on the floor in front of the books. Gingerly, she slid a stack of books into her lap, immediately checking to see whether this had wakened Janie. It hadn’t. She was slumbering peacefully. Flora silently emptied both shelves, divided Janie’s reading material into picture books and board books, then put the books into alphabetical order according to the author’s last name, and finally slid each one tidily back onto the shelves.
    There. A good job well done.
    And Janie’s nap was in full swing.
    Flora slipped back into Allie’s study. “Finished!” she announced.
    Allie turned slowly from the screen. “What?” she said. “I mean, excuse me?”
    â€œI guess you’re in the middle of something, aren’t you?”
    Allie nodded vaguely.
    â€œWell, the books are done. And Janie’s still asleep.”
    â€œFlora, really, you’ve been a huge help this afternoon, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. But why don’t you go home now? I hate to think of you hanging around here when things are so quiet. I don’t —”
    Flora cocked her head. “Did you hear that?”
    Allie switched on the baby monitor that sat atop a filing cabinet. A whimper, rather cranky sounding, filled

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