Welcome To Hickville High (Hickville High Series Book 1)

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Book: Welcome To Hickville High (Hickville High Series Book 1) by Mary Karlik Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Karlik
keys from Uncle Jack. “Who wants to ride with me?” When nobody spoke up he shrugged and said, “Okay. You don’t know what you’re missing.”
    Ryan looked at him and said, “Yeah we do, Dad. Trust me.”
    Once they were in the Infinity and Kelsey got a chance to look at the text, her heart sank just a little.
    It was from Zoe.
    She read the message and looked at her mom. “Mom, Zoe has invited me to stay with her for the Gala. She said her parents offered to pay for my airline ticket.”
    Mom glanced at her and back to the road. “We’re not going let Zoe’s parents buy you an airline ticket.”
    “Why? You know I have planned on going all summer.”
    “We’ll talk about it later.”
    Yeah, we’ll talk about it later. Her breath caught in her chest and she could feel her pulse pounding in her head. Basically, Mom meant no. Obviously, she didn’t want to deal with the fallout of those two letters tonight.
    Kelsey’s mind raced. They weren’t taking her last tie to Chicago away from her. She’d figure out a way. “What if I earn the money? I’ll get a job.”
    “If you can pay for it, I can’t see any reason not to let you go. But a job has to work around your responsibilities at home. And, we’ll have to work out transportation.”
    “I’ll do whatever it takes.” Anything to get a reprieve from chores, chickens, and the cowboy. Oh the cowboy. Navy blue eyes that seemed to burn right through her. Definitely, need a reprieve from him.

    In Texas, it’s against the law to carry fence cutters or a pair of pliers that could cut a fence.
    Kelsey stood in the combination bathtub-shower and let herself cry. In there, she didn’t have to be strong. Nobody would see the anguish she’d kept hidden. Nobody could hear the hiccupping sobs that erupted from her body. She didn’t have to convince herself not to worry about Drew not answering her text. She didn’t have to pretend that she wasn’t worried about earning the money to fly to Chicago.
    And then there was her conversation with Zoe. Kelsey wanted to scream. Shopping. Dancing in the park. She should have been with them instead of playing chicken and snake with Austin. Zoe and her other friends were making new memories—ones that didn’t include her. The life she knew was gone like the water rushing down the drain. And as much as she wanted to pretend otherwise, there was nothing she could do to stop it.
    She climbed out of the tub and checked her phone just in case she’d missed a message from Drew. She checked it again after blowing her hair dry and fell asleep with it cradled in her hand—still waiting for Drew’s reply.
    On day two in Hickville, Kelsey stepped out onto the porch to find Austin sitting in the wicker rocker sipping from a mug. He smiled at her and set the cup on the coffee table. “Morning, Kelsey, ready to work?”
    “No, I’m ready to relax with my coffee.” She took a sip and sat in the glider across from him.
    He slung a bucket full of feed on the table. “Chickens are hungry.”
    She leaned back and let out a long sigh. “Umm, this coffee is good.”
    The screen door screeched open and Dad stepped onto the porch. “Good morning, Kelsey, Austin.” Kelsey sipped from her cup and watched him stretch and yawn. The man who always wore a suit and tie to work was dressed in khaki slacks and a golf shirt. Casual for him, but she wondered how much cred he’d have at the feed store with that embroidered penguin above the breast pocket. He looked at Kelsey. “I want you to work around the farm with Austin. He’ll show you what to do. As soon as Kenzie and Ryan come down we’re heading to the store.”
    Kelsey peeked over the rim of her mug. “I thought we were registering for school today.”
    “After lunch,” he said.
    Kelsey cradled her cup in her hand. “Hey, Dad? Did mom talk to you about my idea to get a job?”
    He folded his arms across his chest and Kelsey just knew he was going to balk. Instead, he

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