Her Old-Fashioned Doctor

Free Her Old-Fashioned Doctor by Sue Lyndon

Book: Her Old-Fashioned Doctor by Sue Lyndon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon
and she bucked her hips against his hand. He swatted her bottom twice, hard. “Settle down now and spread those legs apart. It’s time to check your anal tone.”
    She brought her hands up beside her face and grasped the paper, fisting it in her hands and tensing her whole body, even as she obeyed and parted her thighs. John trickled the lube down her crevice once again, watching as it rolled downward and over her little rosebud.
    “You need to be a good girl and let me inside, young lady.” His tone was scolding, and satisfaction filled him when she nodded. Pressing at her pucker, he circled the lubrication around her entrance before pushing inside. His finger met with tight resistance, and he paused once he was knuckle-deep to allow her to adjust to the intrusion. She inhaled slow, deep breaths and kept her legs spread wide. Despite her nervousness, she was being such a good girl.
    “I’m very proud of you, Melissa. You’re doing great so far.” Under his praises, she seemed to melt and relax, and he took the opportunity to press forward. He shoved his finger all the way inside her asshole, delighting in a sudden moan as she lifted her bottom up and pushed back against his hand. She liked the fullness of his finger, even though she’d been hesitant to accept anything into her bottom hole. “How does it feel, Melissa?”
    “Mm. It hurts, but only a little. It feels… different. A little, um, pleasurable, I guess.”
    A dark smile crept across his face. Her admission that she found even the slightest bit of pleasure in having her bottom hole filled up by him stroked his ego and propelled his need for her higher. “Now, I want you to clench down around my finger as hard as you can, Melissa. Clench for a moment and then relax that naughty hole of yours.”
    “O-okay.” She started to grimace but a blissful look soon replaced it. She tightened around his digit once, relaxing her body a second later.
    “Good girl. Now again, clench and relax.”
    She obeyed, clamping down on his finger. He guided her through all ten clenches, praising her after each one.
    “Those were excellent, Melissa.” He removed his gloves and pressed a fresh towel to her bottom, cleaning the lubrication from between her cheeks. “You have a very strong anal tone, but you are very tight and will need lots of training if you’re ever to accept a cock there.”
    She turned on her side and peered at him, her face flushed prettily and her lips still swollen from his kisses. “Are you going to fuck me in the ass, John?”
    Her question froze him in place, and his desire for her increased exponentially. His hands curled into fists at his side as he fought the urge to take her roughly right there in the room. But reason surfaced above his lust-filled thoughts, and he didn’t act upon his primal impulse. Though he’d enjoyed inspecting Melissa and making her come on the table, he wanted their first time together to have more meaning to them both. He approached her and cupped her face, and the longing in her eyes nearly caused him to falter in his resolve to take her home and fuck her properly in his bed. The scent of her shampoo, or maybe it was a hint of floral perfume, drew him in closer.
    “I am going to take you home and carry you to my bed, young lady, and fuck you harder and longer than you’ve ever been fucked in your whole life. Maybe I’ll fuck your ass, or maybe I’ll fuck your pussy, or just maybe I’ll fuck both of your tight little holes. But you’re going to be a good girl and take whatever I give you, is that understood?”
    She bit her lip and nodded, her eyes wide and startled. She squirmed on the table and clamped her legs together. An errant strand of hair fell across her face, and he brushed it behind her ear and stared at her one last time before lifting her from the table.
    “Put your clothes back on. No panties.”
    She slipped her dress on under his watchful gaze and grasped her panties, looking unsure. He

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