Shifting Changes (The First Shift)

Free Shifting Changes (The First Shift) by Sage Marlowe

Book: Shifting Changes (The First Shift) by Sage Marlowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sage Marlowe
his entire life, Shayonn had never felt as out of
control and yet as safe as he did then and when Faolan went still behind him in
that unique way, he was ready. They came nearly simultaneously. Faolan’s cock
pulsed inside him and blocked the contractions of Shayonn’s inner muscles,
giving Shayonn a few more moments of pleasurable fullness.
I’d say that was a nice ride, huh?” Faolan chuckled behind him as he pulled
out. Shayonn winced. Now that the fire of passion was gone, he realised how
sore he was. Sore and very, very tired. His arse stung from the spanking, his
hole burned from the rough fuck and his shoulders and arms throbbed from being
tied, and yet he felt better than he had in months.
time I’m going to fuck you when you’re in tiger shape,” Faolan said and undid
the knots in their shirts.
time?” Shayonn asked feebly.
Or don’t you want me to fuck you again?”
from his ties at last, Shayonn straightened up and rubbed his aching wrists.
Warm liquid dribbled down his thigh.
Yes. Yes, I do,” Shayonn replied. Faolan’s spunk seeping out of him was like a
mark. It made him feel strange, claimed somehow. “Faolan?”
I ask you something?”
a wolf shifter and… Well, I’m aware that different species have slightly
different mating rituals and… Uh…” He broke off and raked back his hair in
stared back at him calmly. “Are you asking if I’ve claimed you as my mate?”
nervous chuckle escaped Shayonn’s throat. “I guess I am.” He couldn’t look into
those unsettling eyes any longer and dropped his gaze. Just why couldn’t he
fight Faolan? He was the one supposed to lead, in every way. He was much
stronger physically in his animal form, and in human shape, his social rank put
him way above Faolan.
sighed. Shifted his weight, then sighed again. “Shayonn, look… I couldn’t help
it. I hadn’t realised it worked this way. I wasn’t aware that… You’re a
different species, and you’re a guy, there’s no biological reason why you
should be my mate, but…” He swallowed and bit his lip. “You’re right. You are
my mate and I just claimed you. You’re mine now, for as long as we both live.”
again Shayonn was grateful for the tree when his knees went weak and he had to
clasp at the rough trunk for support. “But… How could you? You know I have to…
Fuck!” Shayonn groaned. “My mother is going to kill me.”
smirked. “No she’s not. She’ll be shocked, yes, and then she will understand
that it’s the best that could’ve happened to you. She wanted me as your guard,
to protect you, and as my mate, it’s my top priority to keep you happy and safe
from harm.”
know, but… Sod it, you’re a wolf! And a guy! And…and I just told you I’m not
ready for anything stable yet.” Shayonn let out a heartfelt groan. “So now I
not only have to find the mother of my babies and rule a fucking kingdom, I
also have a wolf at my hands. Great. So not.”
stop it!” Faolan snapped. “I’m hardly a burden for you, little prince! I’m well
capable of taking care of myself and probably better at looking after you, too.
Being my mate doesn’t change what you have to do, but it has its advantages if
you want them.”
lowered his head and took a step closer. A soft smile played on his lips. “I
just told you—my priorities are to keep you safe and…happy.”
intonation on the last word made Shayonn’s groin tingle. “You mean…?”
put his hands on Shayonn’s hips, stroked up his sides and then pulled him close
for a kiss. “This,” he jerked his head at the tree, “was hot but it was just
the beginning. I can fuck you in ways that will blow your mind. You might be a
spoilt brat who’s destined to be king and doesn’t want to be tied down, but
when I do the tying and spank

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