Hawke's Tor

Free Hawke's Tor by E. V. Thompson

Book: Hawke's Tor by E. V. Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. V. Thompson
supervise their maid-of-all-work clearing away the dinner things in the kitchen.
    Tom was showing Verity the rose bush he had bought for Amos and Talwyn as a wedding anniversary present. The bush was in flower and exuding a wonderful scent. After commenting on the flower’s beauty and fragrance, Verity said, ‘I have an uncomfortable feeling that Amos and Talwyn are deliberately throwing us together, Tom.’
    â€˜Probably,’ Tom replied with a smile. ‘They are a wonderful couple and very happy together, but Talwyn, in particular, worries about me. She would like to see me safely settled and as contented as they are.’
    â€˜Unfortunately, she is wasting her time, Tom. I am settled and contented with my present way of life, but Talwyn is a very kind and considerate woman.’ After a slight hesitation, Verity added, ‘Have you never felt the need to marry?’

    It was an honest question with no ulterior motive and Tom replied equally frankly.
    â€˜A couple of years ago I thought I was heading for marriage.’
    â€˜What went wrong?’
    â€˜Flora, the girl I was going to marry, was housekeeper to the Dowager Lady Hogg, who went to Canada to be with her sons. She is an elderly lady and Flora felt duty bound to accompany her on the journey. She intended to return to England once Lady Hogg was settled in, but something always seemed to get in the way and it was never the right time to leave.’
    â€˜Did you never think of going to Canada to be with her?’
    Tom gave a wry smile, ‘I wouldn’t have been welcome there. Lady Hogg doted on her youngest son and Amos and I were responsible for him being forced to leave this country. We arrested him for being involved in a burglary and a plot to defraud a number of influential people – and for a while he was also a murder suspect. In fact, had he not belonged to such an influential family he would either have spent a great many years in prison, or been transported to Australia. Fortunately for him, an agreement was reached that instead of being taken before a judge, he would be allowed to leave the country and go to Canada where the Hogg family have large estates. Lady Hogg went there to be with him. Actually, it was as a result of that investigation that Flora and I met in the first place.’
    â€˜How intriguing! You and Amos must tell me more, while I am here.’
    Looking at Verity and seeing a very attractive woman, Tom asked, ‘How about you … is there no one in your life?’ He realized as soon as the words were out that it was an impertinent question, but Verity did not appear to be offended.
    â€˜Miss Nightingale never allowed any of her nurses to become
involved with men. She insisted they be wedded to their vocation – as she herself is – and it is a very demanding vocation but one I love very much.’
    â€˜Yet you left actual nursing some years ago and are performing a different task now, lecturing and recruiting nurses, surely the same rules no longer apply?’
    â€˜To be perfectly honest I have never found time to even think about it, I have been kept far too busy…. But shall we change the subject? Tell me more about the man you wish me to speak to, the husband of this murdered woman.’
    â€˜There is very little Amos and I know about him, really. We have been told he worked in Wales before he came to Trelyn and spent time in India before that, but we have no idea why he left either place.’
    â€˜I can think of a couple of reasons why he might have left India. One is because the mutiny there shook everyone to the core. Before then they all enjoyed a good life … well the Europeans did. Most were employees of the East India Company, the Honourable East India Company, which controlled the country. They lived well and felt safe, but the mutiny changed everything, it was a terrifying time, especially for the women and children. When it ended the Crown

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