the way down here.”
    I just blurted out, “I preferred
Earl Harold.”
    The three warriors burst out
laughing and Sweyn said, “You will have to watch that tongue of
yours but it is good to hear a man who believes so
    I beamed; I had been called a
man. I suppose that if I had had a mirror and seen myself I would
have seen what they meant for I had a beard and I was as tall as
the warriors I sat amongst.  My body had filled out but I
thought there was still some growing in me which surprised me for
my brothers and my father were all shorter men than I was.  I
put it down to my mother for Aethelward was also a tall man.
    Ridley leaned forwards and said
something quietly in Ulf’s ear.  Ulf smiled. “Sweyn, is there
a smithy near by.”
    “Aye just at the back of the
hall. Why?”
    “Young Ridley has some mail but
he needs to repair some links and Aelfraed there would forge a
spear head.”
    Rather than laughing at us Sweyn
showed his respect by nodding.  “Would that other young
warriors felt that way about their weapons. Too many of them want
any sword that they can get their hands on.  They do not know
that a good weapon has a soul. You do well Aelfraed to forge your
own for that way you know you can rely on the blade. Come it will
pass the time until the Earl returns.”
    I gathered my ash staff and the
blade I would be melting.  Ridley carried his mail shirt and I
noticed the ease with which he did so. He was a strong warrior and
I thought back to my uncle’s words, shield bearer.  Perhaps
Ridley would not be content to carry my shield, perhaps he would be
in the forefront of the shield wall.
    The blacksmith was almost dwarf
like in his height but his shoulders were so broad that I wondered
how he managed to get through most doors. “Gurt we would use your
fire for a while. Go and have a wet in the hall.” The gap toothed
blacksmith grinned and happily left.
    Sweyn picked up the discarded
apron and threw it to me. “I hope you have some skill in smithing
    I too hoped I had.  I had
watched and helped the smith at Medelai who had been one of the few
men who had shown me kindness and I knew the basics. “Ridley, pump
the fire.”
    Ridley worked the bellows
happily and soon the flames were the correct colour. I put the
metal into the cauldron and watched as it began to melt, slowly at
first and then suddenly it was liquid. It suddenly occurred to me
that I had not seen a mould for the head. Aethelward clipped me
sharply on the back of the head as he handed me the clay mould.
“Think and plan young Aelfraed.  Not just in combat but in all
    I checked to see that the metal
was the correct consistency and was about to reach for the tongs
when Sweyn stopped me. “This blade will be part of you Aelfraed and
so you must become part of it.”
    I looked in confusion at the
others and Aethelward said quietly. “It needs your blood to make it
stronger and to make you brothers.”
    I suddenly understood and I took
my dagger, already sharpened and drew it across my palm. The flesh
opened like a piece of ripe fruit and I watched as the blood
dropped hissing into the metal. I took the tongs and poured the
metal into the mould.
    “That was well done and now it
is time for you to work for your comrade. I took off the apron and
handed it to Ridley.  It was only when I began to pump the
bellows that I understood Ridley’s strength for my arms ached
within moments of starting but I knew that I had to keep going as
he had done. Fortunately it was a simple task to make the mail
rings and then to hammer them into place. Ridley stood back to
admire his handiwork and Ulf picked up another handful of the
precious rings.
    “You are strong and you can
carry more weight.  I would add some more about your shoulders
and your neck.”
    Although I mentally cursed the
additional labour it would require, Ridley happily continued until
he had a mail shirt with a double row of links on the

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