Beowulf but I
felt that I was on the way to becoming a warrior and I could not
wait to begin training in earnest. Ulf headed directly for the
quarters of Earl Harold. As the leading warrior in the kingdom he
had his own hall for his retinue. It was close to that of the king
although we could see from the lack of royal guards that he was not
in residence.  Aethelward had told me that he divided his time
between London and Winchester. I had hoped to meet him, if only to
compare him to the Welsh king.  Uncle had intimated that I
would be disappointed with the comparison for Edward was a pious
man and not in the least warlike whilst Gruffyd had been every inch
the warrior.  Aethelward felt ambivalent about the king, he
owed him his loyalty but he could not forgive the disbanding of the
Thingmen; the royal force which ensured the safety of the
land.  As he had said, whilst riding along the roads, the
safety of the land was now in the hands of the Earls and their
armies. Harold was reliable but Aedgar of Mercia and Tostig were
less than dependable, both men having aspirations of their own.
Aedgar was close to the Welsh king and it was said that Tostig had
a close alliance with the King of Scotland. I was glad to be
serving an honourable man.
    When we reached the hall, Ulf
and Aethelward were greeted by a greybeard who stood at the door of
the hall sharpening an axe. I later found out his name, it was
Sweyn the leader of Harold’s Housecarls. He was the most important
man in the household and I immediately recognised that from the
deference shown to him by both my uncle and Ulf.
    “You old warhorse.  I heard
that you were back in harness.” He laid down the axe reverently on
the bench which lay outside the main doors of the hall. He clasped
my uncle’s arm  and then Ulf’s. Their heads close he asked,
“Did you discover all that the Earl asked?”
    Aethelward, “Aye.”
    Sweyn held up his hand, “Then
tell the Earl when he returns from the hunt.” He seemed to see
Ridley and me. “Two new warriors Aethelward?”
    “They would be.  This is my
nephew Aelfraed, Aethelgifu’s son.” Sweyn and Aethelward exchanged
a quick glance and I noticed my uncle nodding. My mother seemed to
be as famous as my uncle.
    “And the young giant lurking
    “That is Ridley, a doughty
warrior, my nephew’s training partner and shield bearer. They would
both be warriors.”
    “Aye the Earl said something
about that.  Put your mounts in the stable and your belongings
in the hall and we will talk.”
    There was a large barrel of ale
in the corner of the hall and the five of us sat around a long
table drinking while Ulf and Aethelward found out about the
politics of the town.  Ridley and I sat in awe just listening
to the three senior warriors for it was obvious that these three
were very important men and we could learn much.
    “The Earl has his work cut out
trying to stop the King giving too much freedom to these Normans.
There are four of them at court and they stride around as though
they own the kingdom”
    “Perhaps they are preparing for
when Duke William comes over.” I quickly glanced at Ridley as I
took in the import of the words.
    Aethelward looked sharply at
me.  “You two remember my words on the road.” We nodded and I
felt affronted that my fidelity and silence was being
    “It is the churchmen though who
have the biggest voice and as they control the rich abbeys and
monasteries then they have the money and the power. Your news will
be important to the Earl for it will determine what he does.”
    “Any news of the North?”
    “The Earl’s brother is up to his
usual tricks and he has raised the taxes again.  The man
doesn’t seem to understand that there is a limit to the money that
can be raised.  Northumbria is rich but not that rich.”
    He looked down at me.  “You
two are Northumbrian?”
    “Yes sir,” Ridley, tongue tied,
just nodded.
    “You could have trained there
why come all

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