A Question of Identity

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Book: A Question of Identity by Anthea Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthea Fraser
fifteen, twelve thirty?’
    â€˜I’ll look forward to it,’ Avril said.
    â€˜And exactly when,’ Lindsey began without preamble, ‘were you thinking of telling me what you learned from Mum about Springfield?’
    â€˜Ah!’ Pulling a face at Max, Rona perched on the kitchen table, the phone to her ear.
    â€˜â€œAh” indeed! I presume you’re paying me back for slipping the photo in your bag?’
    â€˜Partly,’ Rona admitted, ‘but as I told you, I didn’t want to get embroiled in this while I’m immersed in Elspeth.’
    â€˜Then why ask Mum about it? What gets me, though, is that even though we’ve spoken since, you never said a word!’
    â€˜All right, it was childish, but I was waiting for you to bring it up.’
    â€˜Well, I’m bringing it up now. I’m seeing her on Monday, so will you kindly fill me in?’
    Rona took a sip of the vodka Max handed her. ‘Basically, Mum’s friend Kitty Little – the one who was her bridesmaid – had two much older sisters who went to Springfield, and one was still there when it closed. The official explanation was that the headmaster had a heart attack, and presumably no one was prepared to take it over. But it seems rumours were rife.’
    â€˜What kind of rumours?’
    â€˜The usual – sex, drink, abortions. So any one of those – or none of them – could lie behind the defacing.’
    â€˜Anything else?’
    â€˜I’d have thought that was enough to be going on with!’
    â€˜You’re sure you’re not still holding something back?’
    â€˜Come on, Linz, I’m sorry, all right? But that’s all there is, honestly. If Mum’s been thinking about it in the interim, she might have remembered more. How come you’re going to Belmont on a working day?’
    â€˜I’ve a client to visit, and thought I might take a leaf out of your book.’
    â€˜Fair enough. Let me know if you learn anything.’
    â€˜I might,’ Lindsey said, and hung up.
    Daniel had still not mentioned the phone call that had obsessed her since Tuesday evening. Jenny almost wished he would. There’d been no further word from Paul; he must be wondering if there’d been any fallout, and when it would be safe to resume their liaison.
    What would she tell him when he contacted her, as he was certain to do? She was still attracted to him, still obscurely angry with Daniel, but Catherine . . . Oh God, what a hopeless, impossible situation!
    Now, as they ate their delayed meal and he talked of the problems he’d experienced with his client, her mind circled uselessly round possible courses of action.
    Until suddenly, with a flood of relief, the blindingly obvious solution came to her, and, interrupting him, she blurted out, ‘I think I’ll go to Mum and Dad for a week or two.’
    Daniel put down his knife and fork and stared at her. ‘A
or two?’
    Jenny’s visits to her parents in Cheshire usually took the form of a long weekend.
    â€˜I . . . need to get away,’ she said a little wildly.
    â€˜But . . . why? Sweetheart, what is it? Is something wrong?’
    â€˜No!’ She shook her head violently.
    â€˜What about work?’
    â€˜It’ll be OK, I’ll take unpaid leave. Kelly will stand in for me.’
    He was looking at her with concern. ‘I knew you shouldn’t have gone back so soon. But you don’t have to go away, surely? I mean, just stay at home and take it easy. Meet the girls for coffee like you did on maternity leave, take Alice swimming . . .’ His voice tailed off.
    â€˜I need to get away,’ she repeated, and flinched when she saw his eyes darken.
    â€˜From me?’
    â€˜Just – away.’
    â€˜I’ll miss you,’ he said.
    â€˜No, you won’t. You’re hardly ever here.’ Her voice was sharper than she’d

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