A Question of Identity

Free A Question of Identity by Anthea Fraser

Book: A Question of Identity by Anthea Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthea Fraser
against him, hugging his knees and both talking at once, and Lucy, with sinking heart, saw the flash of irritation on his face. To her relief, though, he ruffled their hair.
    â€˜Will you bath us tonight, Daddy?’ Archie was pleading, while Ben clamoured for him to come and see his latest drawing.
    â€˜Hey, give me a break, boys! I’ve only just set foot in the house!’ Though his tone was jovial, Lucy could see the effort it cost him.
    â€˜Daddy’s tired,’ she said quickly. ‘Come up with me and let him relax for a while, then perhaps he’ll read you a story.’
    Her eyes flashed an appeal, and reluctantly he nodded. ‘Off you go, then,’ he said, with undisguised relief.
    A month ago, she thought numbly, he’d have tossed them over his shoulder, squealing delightedly, and swept them upstairs. The bathroom would have rung with laughs and yells, and when she went in to collect their clothes, she’d have found the floor awash. If only she could turn the clock back.
    The promised bedtime story was short and sweet, after which Kevin left Lucy to settle their sons, and when she came down to join him she found him slumped on the sofa with his head in his hands.
    â€˜Darling, what is it? What’s wrong?’ She slipped to her knees in front of him, taking hold of his hands, and he pulled her convulsively against him.
    â€˜God, Luce, I wish I knew! What’s the
with me? I just can’t get my head round anything at the moment.’ He paused, and she felt his arms tighten about her. ‘I damn nearly got the sack today, and I’d have deserved it.’
    She pulled back, staring into his face. ‘What happened?’
    â€˜Old Netherby was being his usual pompous self, criticizing everything in sight, and I just snapped and . . . lashed out at him.’
    â€˜Oh, he ducked in time, thank God. It was touch and go for a while, but my abject apologies and excuses finally won through. I’m on borrowed time, though; the slightest cause for complaint, and he’ll see that I’m out.’
    He hesitated, not meeting her eyes. ‘And that’s not the only thing. Several times lately I suddenly seem to come to, and – this sounds idiotic – I’m not where I expect to be.’
    She stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. ‘You mean you have blank spells?’
    â€˜I don’t know what the hell I mean.’
    â€˜But Kevin, you must see a doctor! This could be—’
    â€˜No!’ He slammed his hand down on the arm of the chair. ‘It’s strain, that’s all it is,’ he added more calmly. ‘Overwork. I’ll look in at the chemist tomorrow and get a tonic of some sort. That should do the trick.’ Putting her gently aside, he rose to his feet. ‘Anyway, that’s enough of my troubles. Let’s go and eat.’
    And Lucy, whose world seemed suddenly unsure, reluctantly followed him into the kitchen.
    â€˜Lindsey! Talk of the devil! I was just saying to Guy that I’ve not seen you for a while.’
    â€˜I know; sorry about that. The reason I’m phoning is that I have to visit a client in Belmont on Monday, and I’m wondering if I can scrounge a free lunch?’
    â€˜Of course! That’ll be lovely.’
    â€˜I gather Rona’s been over?’
    â€˜Yes, last week. One of these days, perhaps I’ll see you both together! Did you find out any more about the photograph?’
    Lindsey stiffened. ‘What photograph?’ she asked carefully.
    â€˜The one of Springfield. I knew a girl who went there. Surely Rona told you?’
    â€˜No, actually, she didn’t.’
    â€˜Oh. Well, she went on to Paola King after leaving me, so perhaps it slipped her mind. What time can I expect you on Monday?’
    Lindsey wrenched her mind back to the lunch. ‘My appointment’s for eleven, so around twelve

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