Leah's Seduction: 10 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

Free Leah's Seduction: 10 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Leah's Seduction: 10 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
    Spellbound, Tanner stopped. The soft laugh she shared with her friend touched his ears and he felt it in his heart. Oh, her joy was infectious. Clearly, she was having a good time at the concert. He had no idea how to approach her. Normally, women flocked to him—whether he wanted them or not. Now, the prospect of meeting someone outside his circle of influence was a bit awkward. He wasn’t really the social type.
    Natalie felt someone looking at her and glanced to her left to see who it was. She found herself eye to eye with the most devastatingly gorgeous man she’d ever seen. He had to be at least six feet tall. He wore washed jeans that accentuated his lean thighs, a suede jacket that screamed high quality, and a plain white T-shirt.
    But that wasn’t it. There was something in his face. She couldn’t think the thought she grasped for. His skin was pale and she got the impression he wasn’t out in the sun much. His baby-blue eyes were so bright they appeared luminous. And his dark brown hair shimmered with auburn highlights, here under the blaring brightness of the lobby. He was just beautiful. She’d never known a man could be beautiful, but he definitely was.
    “What do you want, Natalie?” Jenny’s voice broke the trance. “Uh, nothing,” she replied, looking away from her friend. “I’ll be in the restroom.” For a reason she couldn’t explain, Natalie made a sudden move to get away from the captivating stranger. An unexpected feeling of desire consumed her, making her feel nervous and flustered. She couldn’t imagine how she’d explain why she’d been boldly staring at him.
    She had to make her escape before embarrassing herself further. Whipping around to make a dash back to the facilities, she walked directly into him, not exactly graceful. Yet he didn’t seem to mind. He grabbed her arms the moment she plowed into him, and held her at arm’s length, looking at her strangely. He must have stepped closer to her when she’d turned to talk to Jenny, and now blocked her path.
    She wondered for a second if he was really of this world. There was no doubt that the boys she knew didn’t look like he did. Maybe it was a college look. No, that wasn’t it. The expression on his face was hard to peg, as were his intentions.
    He looked at her a bit harshly. “Are you in a rush to get somewhere?” he said in a deep, melodic voice. She could listen to him talk forever. But he didn’t say anything else.
    “Ah, I’m…um…going to the ladies’ room,” she stammered.
    A slight smile played on his lips, but his eyes were cold. Cold, that was how they looked. That was odd. There was no reason for him to approach her and then be so rigid.
    “I’ll wait for you” was all he said, and then he released her. Natalie could think of no appropriate response. She turned and went straight to the ladies’ room with the stranger not far behind, walked to the first stall and shut the door. Only then did she notice she was shaky. Something was happening, but she couldn’t make sense of it. A gorgeous stranger just followed her to the bathroom. First of all, he was too good looking to be following her. She ran her hands down her well-worn jacket and then hugged her arms around herself in an attempt to get centered. She closed her eyes, but all she saw was the image of his face.
    * * * * *
    2– Drawn Together
    Natalie walked calmly out of the restroom, fully expecting the beautiful stranger to be gone. He was more suited to being a daydream than a real person. She never met people like that. His appearance and manner gave away that he wasn’t from the small area where she lived. Confidence like that was only found in the big city.
    She intended to keep walking, if she could keep from tripping over her own feet, and find Jenny. She wanted to surround herself with normality and get back to the concert to get lost in the music. But such was not to be.
    “Are you avoiding me?” His voice again. Her heart

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