Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1)

Free Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree

Book: Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Moree
tears from my face. “I know it’s hard, sweetling. But if you wanna heal, you have to talk about it. Don’t hold that shit in. Trust me.”
    His eyes are begging me as much as his words. He needs this from me, no matter how badly I don’t want to say the words.
    “It wasn’t all that bad in the beginning. Just a bunch of threats and being pushed around a little. Heck, the no food thing was the worst of it then. After that they gave me some water and bread and tossed me back in the cell for a while. I couldn’t really keep track of how long, but it was starting to get dark when Fred came in. He pu-pulled me from the cage by my hair. Th-threw me to the ground and started kicking me.” I pull in a breath and try to keep the tears at bay. I can get through this. I have to. He’s right and I know it. If I bottle this up, it will kill me.
    His fingers draw soft shapes on my back with one hand. The other finds mine and holds tight. He doesn’t say a word, but his eyes are telling me that he’s there for me. That while he failed to protect me earlier, he’s here now and he will get me through this. He’ll make it better, somehow. I take a deep breath.
    “Once that was over, he left me lying there for a bit. Didn’t seem real worried about me going anywhere. I don’t blame him. Pretty sure I have a fractured leg or ankle and several broken ribs. It hurts to breathe when I’m awake. It’s not so bad here in the dream world.” I don’t say it out loud but I know that I had a punctured lung as well as a few other busted organs. Had I been fully human still, I’d be dead. Now for the hardest thing of all. Oh god, I don’t want to talk about this.
    “I know sweetling, I know. But you have to.”
    What the? I didn’t say that out loud, I know it!
    “Don’t focus on that just yet. Dream world remember? How about we work through this last part of what happened and then, if you wanna, we can talk about how I heard that?”
    I nod and gulp past my fear. Doubt. Disgust. Will he push me away once he knows? What man wants a woman that’s been through what I have? A woman that’s been touched that way? I’m so damn dirty. His finger under my chin forces me to meet his eyes.
    “I will never push you away, sweetling. No matter what else happens, always know that.”
    A jerky nod is my only response. I sit with my head on his shoulder just breathing in his comforting scent before finishing.
    “H-he… he... oh god, cowboy. He hurt me so bad,” I whisper. “He made me... he held my jaw open and told me he’d kill me if I hurt him. I didn’t fight. I was already so beaten down. I gagged, but he didn’t stop. He kept hammering into my mouth.” My voice breaks and I force back the tears threatening to overtake my words. “So hard. So fast. It was rough. His hand probably left bruises he squeezed me so hard. I hurt, cowboy. So desperately, still. Once he finished... he made me swallow it. Then h-he... he raped me. Over and over again. H-he violated me in every way possible. I feel dirty and used and-and-and I just want to feel clean again. Can you make me clean, cowboy? Please,” I beg, my voice breaking off in a sob.

    My focus is fucked. After such an awesome damn torture session today, I can’t seem to think of anything else. That bitch was as close to perfection as I’ve ever gotten. Her whimpers, screams, and words begging for mercy will feed my spank bank for months to come. Not that I’ll have to beat it myself. That bitch will be handling my needs for me on a regular fucking basis.
    She is mine, damn it.
    I don’t know what it is about her, but damn. Feeling my dick slide into her. Knowing the amount of pain I was causing because she was far from wet for my entry. My entire body shakes with a shudder of pure bliss at the memory. While I thoroughly enjoyed forcing her to suck me until I came like a champ, just like I planned, fucking her was possibly the best thing I have ever experienced.

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