Feeling This

Free Feeling This by Casey Blue

Book: Feeling This by Casey Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Blue


Chapter Ten
    The lot is nearly empty as I pull in and
the rain has reduced to a steady trickle. No one is going to venture out on a
Monday night in this weather. My tips will surely suffer. After running across
the lot, umbrella in tow, I push open the wide wooden doors. The smoky air
surrounds me like a fly attracted to a bright lamp. I rub my nose uncomfortably,
noting that this is definitely one habit I will never take up.
    Once behind the bar, Becca finds me to
announce her latest escapade. Apparently Tyler is out and Jacob is in. I called
it, one day was all it took. She turns on her heel when I don’t give her the
response she was hoping for. This girl changes men faster than she changes
underwear, there is no excitement for me in that. The intervention thing is out
the door, she would never listen to me. I, who haven’t even had sex in…I can’t
even remember at this point.
    An hour passes without a grab at my ass or
a whisper in my ear and I feel like I’m having with-drawls. Maybe Derek is
really into my sister as he portrays. That prospect is one I don’t want to
dwell on.
    Later into the night, I’m having a
conversation about the Dallas Cowboys with one of the regulars, who is
completely drunk, anything to make the night go by faster. A high pitched voice
calls down the bar, “Hey barmaid can’t a chick get a drink around here?”
    I turn towards Heidi’s voice, surprised she
showed up.  I make my way down to her, placing a beer in front of her with an
encouraging smile, “Drink up.”
    She grins taking a quick sip then glances
around, “This place is jammin huh?”
    It’s so dead, I could probably go home and
let Derek close, however I can’t do that to him, I don’t want to. The scattered
tables have a few parties and the bar is filled with maybe six regulars and
Heidi. Worse than any night we’ve had in a long time.
    She leans forward sneakily whispering,
“Let’s do a shot.”
    I shake my head at her, “No Heidi, you can
have one but I can’t. Duck would have a fit.”
    “Oh come on, Kimber, live a little. He’s
where, holed up in his office, right? He probably won’t even come out until
it’s time to leave.”
    One of the regulars, Tommy, already pretty
plastered, leans over and exclaims, “I’ll buy you girls a shot.”
    I sigh and put two shot glasses up dusted
with sugar and pour vodka evenly in each. Without a word I place a lemon in
Heidi’s open hand as she squeals with delight and calls out, “Lemon drop time.”
    We each grab one grinning as she toasts,
“To Mr. Hottie for Kimber, wherever he may be.” At that we both down them and
slam the glasses on the bar.
    Tommy claps his hands amused and calls out,
“Again girls, on me.”
    I shake my head gathering the glasses to
wash them. Before I can take them any further, Derek comes up behind me
removing them from my hands and places them back up on the bar in front of
Heidi. He expertly sugars them and pours another for each of us. As he faces me
placing mine in my hand, he tells me, “I know things are tough right now, you
deserve this even if you have to be here at work to let go a little. I’ll take
the wrath if Duck comes out.”
    Heidi calls out, “Cheers to that dude.” and
downs it.
    I raise my hand to Derek saluting,
following Heidi. He pours another as I suck on the lemon. My eyes go up
surprised as he explains, “Just one more Kimber. It’s okay, you should go and
sit with Heidi. I’ll close tonight.”
    I realize that the two I’ve already had are
starting to hit my empty stomach, I decide not to argue. It’s not every night
Heidi graces us with her presence. I make my way to Heidi’s side and lean
against the bar.
    Tommy pipes in holding up his cigarette
burnt all the way down to his knuckles, “This is the highlight of the day, sexy
girls and shots, on me again.”
    I look over to Derek and gesture with my
finger cutting across my neck, letting him know, Tommy’s cut off. He

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