Hearing her pleas only made things worse for me. All I wanted to do was love Maggie with every part of my soul, to protect her from all the evil in this world. What I failed to realize was that the worst type of evil had always been within grabbing distance; that evil was I.
Forcing myself out the door before I could stop myself, I opened the door and closed it softly behind me, not breathing a single ounce of oxygen until I was outside the bedroom and in the vacant hall.
Air filtered in through my lungs as I took small shallow breaths, allowing the clean air to clear my thoughts. I needed to blow off some steam and I also needed to find a way to tell Maggie the truth about Ty before he could. Him changing her trainer wasn’t just a coincidence. He had an agenda that he was seeking, and I wanted to know what it had to do with Maggie.
With a clear head, I headed towards the cafeteria knowing I needed to get something to eat. Lots of things set off my killing instincts the beast that always lurked under the surface of my skin waiting for his chance to come out and play. Things like sex, irritability, anger, and I could go on but I’m sure you’re getting the idea.
The walk to the cafeteria was short, and as I grabbed a granola bar and a milk from the open food bar I saw Ty and another male that I didn’t recognize in the far corner near the furthest exit of the room. Ty hadn’t noticed me yet, so I took my items and took a seat at the table nearest me, the food bar blocking part of my face and body.
“Maggie’s unique, every single person here knows that. Why do you think no one fucks with her?” Ty explained to the male. I could hear their quiet voices even from across the room. I was sure Ty could sense I was here, but by the time he realized it I would already be gone.
“Being unique does nothing for us if she isn’t on our side.” The unknown male added as if he was trying to break through Ty’s tough exterior walls.
Ty’s eyes swung around the room as he looked for anyone that may be evasive dropping. I leaned into the table, hoping the food bar covered me enough and focused my attention on listening to their words.
“Killer doesn’t want her to know yet, but I’m going to tell her that she’s my sister. She has to know the truth and the sacrifices that her mother made to save her. Our parents weren’t perfect, but her mother was one of the first to have sex with our kind.” Ty continued on. I knew all these things already. Hearing Ty say them out loud was a whole different thing, though. Tension filled my muscles and my belly burned with bent up aggression that came out of nowhere.
“He will kill you if he finds out.” The unknown male was actually smarter than I was giving him credit for. Maybe, just maybe when I left this fucking place I would spare him and leave his throat intact.
“That’s if the motherfucker finds out.” Ty sounded so sure of himself. I couldn’t force myself to linger around the cafeteria a moment longer with the emotions I was feeling. I needed to call Gauge and let him know there was a huge possibility that Maggie was going to find out about Ty being her brother and the things her mother had done in return for Maggie’s life.
After losing her father and being unsure of whether he was dead or alive I knew telling her about her mother would be the one thing to push her away from me and cause her to go running straight to Ty even if it wasn’t him she would want as a sibling. Keeping a secret as big as this would be a huge betrayal to her.
Maybe that’s why I hadn’t told her. I was selfish like that. Or maybe I was actually concerned about her well-being. All I knew was that it was my turn to save Maggie, even if it pushed her away from me for a while.
M aggie
P eople changed . It was the never-ending fact of life. Those that were your friends today could become your enemies tomorrow and I was starting to realize that. Memories were hitting me more