Bloodbreeders: The Revenge

Free Bloodbreeders: The Revenge by Robin Renee Ray

Book: Bloodbreeders: The Revenge by Robin Renee Ray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Renee Ray
    “Okay. Well, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow night,” he added, then picked up his glass of tea and drank it. “I keep the bottom darkened because I sleep during the day. I love traveling by the stars. Hope you guys don’t mind.” Then he walked out like we had just had a leisurely conversation.
    Chapter Seven
    I sat there with my head in my hands knowing that I was playing a game that I knew nothing about. My only concern was getting Garvin and Tanda out of that living hell that they so willingly helped me escaped from. Now the reality of what I was doing was endangering the lives of not four, but now five, other beings. I had made one hell of bed to lie in, and now I felt like I was well past the point of no return. I could ask my little ones to stay behind and take the chance of getting the other two out by myself, but I doubted very seriously that they would agree to stay behind. And now I had a human servant, one of the things that I found to be despicable on the part of Rebecca and Yvette.
    I waited for Bo and Brandon to return, thinking on what the future held for us. Four teens, one normal and me; not being much older than they were, that didn’t even know what type of creature she was, other than one that walked the night surviving off of the life fluids of the living. One that had nothing to offer her followers but the love that she carried in her heart. I couldn’t help but think on what would happen if we were captured in our attempt to save my friends. What would Yvette do to my little ones to pay me back for escaping in the first place, not to mention my returning to take even more from her?
    “What are you thinking about?” Ashley asked from the kitchen door.
    “Nothing…everything,” I shook my head. “How’s Derek?”
    “He’s fine. The boys are back. I heard them pull into the garage.”
    “Great. Let’s get Derek fed.”
    “Wait,” Ashley said, taking my arm as I stood up. “If you need to talk, about anything, I’m here to listen.”
    “I know, sweetie. I’m just a little worried about everything that we have to do.”
    “And maybe about what will happen after we get to Cuba?”
    “Yeah, that too.”
    “Hey, we’re back,” Bo called out from the front door.
    “In here,” I hollered, patting Ashley’s hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
    “So, what do you think about, Sydney?” Ashley asked as her concern turned into a grin.
    “Hum, I thought you were a little sweet on him.”
    “I…well, just a little,” she giggled.
    “Well, he is a looker,” I winked, “and so far he’s been a real gentleman.”
    We laughed as the sounds of our voices were joined with the squeals of a young pig. We laughed harder when Brandon came through the door with the front end of a black and white pig that was struggling, and Bo, fighting with the back end. Ashley and I moved out of the way, while the boys managed to get the pig to the floor. Our eyes grew as Bo pulled his blade and slid it across the animal’s throat as if he were pissed. I jumped to the sink and grabbed a bowl, putting it under the wound just as the fluid started to pour out.
    “That’ll shut him up. This thing has made that noise ever since we picked it up,” Bo practically growled as he held the head of the beast.
    “I smell supper,” Derek said from the doorway.
    “Hey brother, how do you feel?”
    “Grab a cup and help yourself,” I added, as I pulled the overflowing bowl out from under the beast. “Better be hurry, this thing is still bleeding.”
    “Here,” Ashley said, handing me another bowl.
    “Now I see why pigs are so much better than goats,” Derek announced with a red rim above his lip. “It’s so much sweeter, and it almost tastes like, Ashley.”
    “Excuse me? Are you saying that I taste like a pig?”
    “I think what Derek is saying is that pig blood is close to humans,” I explained.
    “He better be saying something like that,” Ashley replied,

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