Books of the Dead

Free Books of the Dead by Morris Fenris

Book: Books of the Dead by Morris Fenris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morris Fenris
Merly replied.
    “They all use it for the books,” Natalie said in a teasing manner.
    “You know that I didn’t mean that Natalie. Listen, I am writing a book and the characters are inspired by real life people and events. So please, a little information won’t hurt anybody and I know you know things.” Merly tried to sound convincing as much as possible.
    “Is your story based on the library? Or is it about people?” Natalie asked without giving out what Merly wanted to know.
    “Both, now do you know anything?” Merly was losing her cool.

    “Am I included in your story?” Natalie was persistent to get her part of the story.
    Merly felt like the tables had turned and in place of Natalie, it was she who was answering the questions. What do I say that would make her answer my questions? Merly thought.
    There was nothing that would make Natalie answer her questions and Merly came to a dead end. It was more than enough that Merly could take, and she decided it was not worth her time to ask the questions to Natalie, because it was clear that she wasn’t ready to answer any of the real questions without getting some information herself.
    Merly simply turned back without saying anything and started walking away. She decided it was time for her to be more careful if she considered getting the information out of someone to be important. Merly tripped while climbing down the stairs, and Natalie called her back. Merly turned back and she saw Natalie calling her again. She was waving her hand for Merly to come fast.
    What’s the use? She’ll tease me again. Merly didn’t pay heed to the fact that Natalie was calling her back at that moment and continued to climb down. Merly was stopped when Natalie pulled her back and then turned her around.
    She said “I asked you to stop. Didn’t you hear me?”
    “I did, but you weren’t saying anything that would help me with my work, so I was on my way.” Merly shrugged Natalie’s hands off her.
    “I might be able to help you. You see, legend has it that people who see the library ghost at this time of the year have dreams first,” Natalie said in a way as if she knew people who had been through the similar situation.
    This time of the year . The words rang in Merly’s head. Mrs. Louis said the same thing, too. “What kind of dreams?” Merly now asked a little unsure if she wanted hear the answer.
    Natalie got closer to her and said, “There is this student two years back, I don’t remember the name, but I heard how he had weird dreams of running towards the library through an unending corridor and the door of the library was opened by someone he knew, but who was dead a long time ago.” Natalie stopped and looked for a reaction from Merly, but she didn’t find any and continued to say, “…and shortly after that, he started seeing spirits and ghosts.” Natalie widened her eyes and said, “Spooky, right?”
    Merly stood transfixed. This was not what she hoped to hear; it was too much for her. She was going through the same things and hearing about it paralyzed her.
    “Merly! Merly!” Natalie called. “Are you okay?”
    “Yes, yes, It’s nothing,” Merly assured her.
    “But Natalie, that is not what I wanted to know, is there any teacher who has any sort of connection with this?”
    “I am not finished, and yes there is. I heard Mr. Stevenson saw the ghosts. He has been the librarian for so many years, so he was bound to see them.”
    “There is more than one ghost?” Merly asked in disbelief.
    “Well, yes. Some say they have seen the old librarian in the history section of the library.”
    “The old librarian? Who is that?” Merly questioned.
    “You don’t know who the old librarian was?” Natalie asked a little surprised.
    Merly gestured that she was not aware of what Natalie was talking about.
    “There is a story that the old librarian, the one before Mr. Stevenson joined, still lurks in the library, but …” Natalie contemplated something then

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