Freak Show

Free Freak Show by J Richards

Book: Freak Show by J Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Richards
“Chaos,” I whisper breathlessly and he chuckles.
    “I’ve missed you, too, my sweet Serenity.” His voice still sounds like a growl when he speaks. He turns me around so that I’m facing the crowd with my ass meeting his thighs. He is so much taller than me that when I tip my head back and into his lower shoulder I’m looking up directly at his jaw.
    Chaos nuzzles his chin against my cheek, his rough stubble scratching against my skin. I moan lightly hoping he’ll leave a bit of a red blush on my cheeks from his cuddling. He lowers his head to bring his mouth to my ear while his massive hands slip up the front of my corset, stopping on my ribs just under my tits. “You’ve interrupted my show, Serenity. Now you’ll have to be a part of it.”
    “OK,” I whisper back, pressing my body into his front. My brain screams that I don’t know him, but every cell in my body wants his touch. Needs it like I need air to breathe. I have no idea how I knew his name. I only know that it describes exactly how I’ve felt since we began this trip and looking at him caused the word to slip off my tongue like I’ve said it a thousand times in the past.

                  The solid weight of his hand against my ribs is hot in every sense of the word. Veins line the backs of his hand and I want to lick every life giving line until I know each and every pathway to his heart. His flesh is searing against the leather of my corset. It feels as if even after the garment is removed, his hand print will still be embedded in my skin.
                  I wiggle slightly in his hold. My ass is flush against his thighs and I grind until I find the telltale ridge that lets me know I have the same effect on him as he does on me. His hand flexes against where he’s holding me in response to my bold grinding.
                  “Fuck,” He groans and moves both hands to my hips. His lips brush the shell of my ear as he speaks to me low enough that only I can hear him. “I’ve been able tosmell you since you walked through the mist. It’s been torture waiting for you to find me.” His fingers pinch into my skin as he lifts me up and turns me around to face him while I’m in the air.
                  I feel weightless and yet my lower belly feels so heavy. He sits back down in the chair with my legs falling to either side of his outer thighs. Shamelessly, my pelvis grinds into his. The crowd is quiet as they watch and wait for what will happen.
                  I’m waiting, too. Waiting and wanting. He leans close to me and trails his nose up the side of my throat. “Why didn’t you come and find me?” I ask softly as my hands begin to unbutton his dress shirt. My chin lifts as I tilt my head to the side. His breath is hot as he exhales near my hairline and goosebumps of arousal spread out down my arms.
                  “That’s not how it works.” His head shakes a little and his hips lift under me to let my front feel the erection that I had caressed with my ass. “I’ll explain when we’re off this stage. I have to give the ladies what they came for, when all I want to do is love you.” He leans back and is looking so deeply into my eyes I feel like he is already a part of me. “I need to love you, fuck you and make you mine. Right. Now.”
                  His words bring out the whore in me and I moan deeply. At this moment I don’t care who watches, I only want him to do exactly as he says he wishes. “Please, yes.” I whine and rip at his shirt when I can’t seem to undo the last few buttons. “Fuck me, Chaos.”
                  “Such a dirty little thing in this lifetime, I see.” He chuckles gently and holds my ass with one hand while the other hand braces the chair under him and he slides us to the floor. My knees bump the stage and I lean down to kiss his shoulder while shoving his shirt to the side. He

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