
Free NiceGirlsDo by Marilyn Lee

Book: NiceGirlsDo by Marilyn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Lee
until then?”
    Although annoyed by her attitude, he liked that she didn't blush or look away from him as she nodded. “There's no need to make me sound so ... self-serving. I thought we could use each other.”
    He shook his head. “I don't know if I like the idea of being your real life sex toy.”
    “It's not as bad as you're making it sound. I wasn't in that hotel room by myself. You were there too. You know how ... good it was between us. It was more than good, Clay.”
    He nodded. “That doesn't mean I'm prepared to be used.”
    “You’re making too big a deal out of this. You said you weren’t interested in anything but sex with me. Yet when I tell you that’s all I want, you get bent out of shape? What do you want me to do? Pretend it was love at first thrust?”
    “It happens.”
    “Maybe so, but not in our case.” The elevator door slid open. She stepped in. “I'll give you some time to think about it and then I'll call you to see if you're interested.”
    The elevator doors closed and he returned to his office and sank down into his chair. Determined not to spend any more time thinking about her, he turned on his computer and concentrated on work.
    Two hours later, his intercom buzzed. He reached over to answer it. “Yes, Jill?”
    “Ms. Raymond is on line one.”
    “Thank you.” He picked up the receiver and pushed line one. “Darbi?”
    “You've had enough time. Are we going to be lovers or do I need to look elsewhere?”
    He sat back against his chair. “This is your idea of giving me time to think about it?”
    “I want to sleep with you. How much clearer can I make it without totally embarrassing myself?”
    “I've already told you there's no need to be embarrassed. I find a sexually unrepressed woman highly interesting.”
    “That's easy for you to say. You're not the one doing the chasing and tracking down.”
    As he sat with his eyes closed, with a picture of her beautiful face imprinting on his eyelids, he realized that had she not tracked him down, he would have pursued her. “Our seeing each other would not be a good idea.”
    “I see. In that case, I won't take up anymore of your valuable--”
    “Hey! Wait a minute. It’s not a good idea, but I am interested ... more than interested.”
    She released a quick breath. “Are you sure?”
    “How much more than interested?
    “A lot more.”
    “Good. So let's just lay down a few ground rules and go from there.”
    He laughed and shook his head. “Do you always take over like this?”
    “No. Of course not. I've never run a man down and I've sure never begged one to be my temporary lover. So let me say what I need to before I lose my nerve.”
    “You don't need to be nervous or embarrassed with me, Darbi. I'm finding your sexual candor exhilarating. Go on. Have your say and then we'll talk about dating.”
    “Dating? We're not actually going to be dating, are we? We're both adults and I can't see any reason why we shouldn't just admit we want a sexual relationship with no strings or complications attached. I don't have to pretend I don't want to sleep with you and you don't have to pretend I mean anything to you.”
    “Damn, you're blunt, aren't you?”
    “You'd rather pretend?”
    “No, but I'd rather you didn't sound as if you expect me to treat you like a piece of ass.”
    “Isn't that what you plan to do?”
    “No, it's not. Just because I'm not interested in trying to fall in love with you doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like my personal whore either.”
    He heard her catch her breath. “Good, because I'm no one's whore.”
    “Now we have that out of the way, can I buy you dinner tonight?”
    “You don't have to --”
    “Look, Darbi, just because I said I only wanted a sexual relationship doesn't mean the only time you're going to see me is when I want sex.”
    She sounded surprised, but pleased.
    He smiled. “No. I'm looking forward to slow dancing with you and then having sex with

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