Dianthe Rising

Free Dianthe Rising by J.B. Miller

Book: Dianthe Rising by J.B. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.B. Miller
    “Yeah, sounds good. I am going to go find some pups to tear into and tenderize for you. I need something to take off the edge.”
    Twenty minutes later and my temper was the only thing I had found. I couldn’t find the pups anywhere they should have been. I’d run the border, checked the training ring and the gym but still no sign of them. Long strides took me into the main house to grab a drink before I headed out once more. It was on my way to the kitchen when I heard voices coming from the rec room. For fuck's sake, you have to be kidding me. Surely, those little bastards were not that stupid .
    I veered off from the kitchen and stalked to the open door. With arms crossed, I looked at the undisciplined mess before me. Eight pups ranging in age from seventeen to twenty lounged around the room. Several were playing video games and drinking beer while the others shot a game of pool. I stood there stonily while I gathered sourly, that yes—they were indeed that stupid. Their Alpha before them and they hadn't noticed. This ended now .
    My eyes roamed over the room looking for the leader of the idiots. I zeroed in on Jason. He was just lining up a shot at the pool table. Before he could take it, I had his throat in my grasp and his cue flung across the room. With a growl, I slammed him hard onto the top of the table.
    “Alpha…” he sputtered. “I didn’t know you were here…”
    “Obviously,” I growled. “Where are you supposed to be, boy?”
    Eyes flickered around him looking for support. His throat worked to swallow as best he could. “We… Ummm…finished our patrol and thought we would take a break...”
    “Really,” I said softly. “Remember, pup, deceiving your Alpha is an offense punishable by death. It is the same as treason. Tell me again, why are you here?”
    A voice rose up from the couch and my eye glanced to the boy sitting there. “We didn’t think anyone would notice.”
    “No one is crazy enough to attack pack lands," Jason stuttered.
    A snarl tore loose as I pulled Jason up and dangled him by his throat. “Idiots,” I seethed. “The reason no one has attacked us is because your betters have been on the front lines protecting your weak asses. From this moment on, none of you are considered pups. I declare you full-grown wolves with all the responsibility that entails. Get out of my sight before I rip your throats out,” I snarled at them. “You are all a disgrace at this moment. Report to the training field, from now on every morning at dawn you will be training. From sun up to sunset, your lives are in preparation of becoming productive members of this pack. Do you understand,” I roared.
    Whining and cowering, they all lowered their heads. “Yes, Alpha,” they whispered. My enraged glare turned back to Jason and I bared my fangs.
    “Submit or die wolf.” Quickly he turned his head as best he could with his neck in my grip. His neck lay bared to me in submission while he lowered his eyes and moaned in fear.
    Anger fuelled me when I leaned forward. The bite was hard enough to break the skin at his shoulder. Purposely I tore it slightly so it was not a clean bite.
    “Disobey me again and it will be your last act of defiance.” I threw the young wolf from me in disgust. Off balance, he fell into several of his pack mates. “Let it be known, any who disobey me will face me in challenge. I am tired of the incompetence of this pack and it changes today. Leave me,” I said coldly.
    With a few whimpers and the scent of fear lingering in the air like a rancid stench, the boys fled without another word.
    Wearily I sat down and lowered my head into my palms. Is this what it has come to? Where the youngest had no respect for their leaders or Alpha? As much as I hated to do it, I had to take control in a brutal fashion. If they didn't respect me when I used consideration and care, they could respect me out of fear, for now at least. I hoped that the respect for me as their

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