The Way I Like It (The Soldiers of Wrath MC, #5)
on him?”
    “What’s not to like? He’s hot stuff,” Annie whistled. “I wouldn’t have a problem with him using me any time.”
    “Ignore her, she’s being a whore,” Sasha said.
    “Come on, you have to admit he looks like the kind of guy who knows what he is doing with his dick.”
    Elena’s cheeks heated as she thought about the picture she’d taken from the box. Not only did she want him, she wanted Striker to put her over his knee and spank her ass. Her pussy grew slick just thinking about it. The instant shot of pain, followed by intense need would be incredible, and she wanted it. She might be a virgin with no sexual experience, but she knew what she wanted, and it seemed her body did too.
    “That flush is telling us all a story, babe,” Annie said. “If a guy makes you blush, you keep him.”
    Annie moved away to place the sugar and salt containers on the tables.
    “I don’t know how,” Elena said, whispering to Sasha.
    “You don’t know what?”
    “I don’t know how to keep him, you know, satisfied.” Biting her lip, Elena felt stupid for not knowing.
    “You’re a virgin?”
    “Holy shit, well, my advice would be to tell your man you’ve not been with a guy. He’ll know how to handle this and take care of you.” Sasha tapped her shoulder.
    “It’s going to hurt your first time.”
    She didn’t mind pain, and in fact looked forward to the good kind, but she wasn’t about to tell her that. “You think I should just tell him.”
    “I would. You never really know what to do in the sack, and your guy, he looks like the kind of guy who knows what he’s doing. That’s the best kind to have for your first time.”
    Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her containers and spun around, only to crash into a hard body. Glancing up, she saw Striker staring down at her.
    The heat in his eyes was hard to ignore.
    She’d gladly do whatever he wanted so long as he never stopped looking at her like that.

Chapter Fourteen

    “Y our shift almost over?” Striker asked.
    She was still frozen to the spot, looking up at him, knowing that she wanted to be honest with him. In the couple of days since he’d helped her out in that alley, she’d felt this connection with him, this electricity that she’d never felt before. That was even before she’d found the picture of the bound woman. After she’d found it, it was all she’d been able to think about. She thought about being honest with him regarding how she really felt about the whole pain and pleasure fantasy, about how she was a virgin, and how she’d kept quiet concerning what she wanted when having sex because she was afraid of what her family would do to her.
    “In half an hour,” she managed to say.
    He nodded once and made a low sound of approval.
    “Did you find out a lot about my family?” She didn’t know how much he could actually find, since her family and the circle they ran in were very tight knit. But judging by the hardness of his face after she’d asked the question, she thought he’d found out enough.
    “Yeah, and I want to talk to you about it all, to make sure I know everything we couldn’t pull up.”
    She nodded.
    “I need to know every little detail if we’re going to make sure you’re safe.”
    “Okay,” she whispered, her body heating at the closeness of his body, at his scent invading her lungs.
    “I’ll wait over at the booth until you’re off work.”
    She nodded, licked her lips, and stood there, watching as he walked over to the man he’d left to keep an eye on her. She hadn’t said one word to the man wearing a biker vest that stated he was a Prospect , but she’d felt his gaze on her the entire time. Striker and the prospect spoke to each other for a few minutes, and then the prospect nodded and left the diner. Striker took his seat at the booth, his gaze on her instantly.
    What had he found out about her family? She’d told him just the surface of it. Elena hadn’t

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