Adele, Claire - Guardian of His Love [Wolves of West Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Free Adele, Claire - Guardian of His Love [Wolves of West Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Claire Adele

Book: Adele, Claire - Guardian of His Love [Wolves of West Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Claire Adele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adele
    Carefully, he lowered her to her feet and held her still while Jared slowly and gently removed the dildo from her. Even that sensation built sexual heat in her pussy.
    “What we need to do this time, hon, is to have both Jared and me penetrate you at the same time, just so you know what it’s like. If it’s done during the testing, you’ll at least have previous experience and be ready for it.”
    She felt uneasy about this, but Derek was right. “Okay,” she agreed, with hesitation.
    He left her to replace his condom while Jared did the same. Derek returned from the bathroom with a washcloth and wiped her carefully between her legs and her butt cheeks. His cock was already stiff again. He put away the washcloth and brought the lubricant back. Kneeling in front of her, he squeezed out a generous amount of lube and spread the cool fluid along her slit, stroking her labia in the process and, finally, her tight hole. The opening to her pussy swelled again, her fluids pooling there. He circled her anus with more lube and massaged the tight ring until she moaned softly with the aching heat.
    He stood and moved behind her. Jared took Derek’s place in front of her and cupped her butt cheeks, parting them. Derek pressed the smooth head of his hard cock against the center of her tight ring. As he gripped her hips with his big hands, he pushed inside her little hole. Slowly he stretched her. His control amazed her. Jared released her butt cheeks and teased her labia with long, slow strokes.
    “You all right, babe?”
    “Yes,” she said softly, her voice shaking.
    “What does it feel like, hon?”
    “It feels stretched, and it burns a little.”
    “I’ll go slow. It should feel better soon.” He continued to push inside her.
    She closed her eyes.
    Jared caressed her breasts and nipples. Heat streamed to her pussy. She opened her eyes and looked up at him.
    “Relax all of your muscles below your waist,” Jared directed. “It will ease the stretching.” He continued to tease her breasts, stroking her slowly.
    As Jared distracted her, she made an effort to relax her muscles like he said to do. It helped. Derek pushed deeper, stretching her little hole, as he pressed kisses to her nape. She shivered.
    Delving his fingers through her folds, Jared slipped one long finger inside her pussy. “Don’t clench your muscles,” he said.
    She concentrated on relaxing as Derek pushed deeper still into her rectum. He pulled back out a little, and pleasant shivers shook her, making her moan.
    Jared eased his finger from her channel and stroked her labia. Derek’s cock slid deeper, until she felt his balls brush against her butt cheeks.
    “You feeling okay, hon?”
    “Yes, I’m okay.”
    “Tell us the second you feel uncomfortable, all right?”
    “I will.”
    Jared held her gaze with his and positioned the head of his hard cock at the opening of her pussy. He pushed gently inside.
    She took a swift breath at the feeling of fullness with both their big cocks inside her. The muscles in her thighs tensed to steady her as she pulled against the padded cuffs for balance. Jared curved his big hands around her waist as Derek held her hips, giving her more support.
    Then Derek withdrew his cock and pushed back in as Jared slipped slowly from her pussy. Back and forth they moved in and out. She didn’t think anything could titillate her sensitive flesh more. Jared reached between their hips with one hand and circled her clit with the pads of his fingers.
    The sensations of fullness and shivery friction heightened her sexual tension exquisitely. Her body shook, and her back arched. She screamed her climax.
    Derek growled his release, his pumping cock drawing out the orgasmic contractions inside her. Jared groaned as he climaxed deep in her pussy, his plunging cock teasing her vagina and prolonging her awesome ecstasy. She moaned, her head dropping back against Derek’s chest.
    She heard their soft growls as they also

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