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Book: Destiny by Amanda O'Lone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda O'Lone
yours Brody.”
    “FFUUUCCCKKK, Shite, I love hearing ye say thit.”  He breathes on my neck.  “Tell me gain.”
    “I’m yours Brody.  Shit, I’m coming! OOhhhh BRODY!!!”
    “Oh yea, come aw ower ma cock baby.  Shite, yer making me come.”
    “Oh god Brody, harder!  I want you to come in me.”
    “AAARRRHHH FFFUUUCCCKKK ANNIE!”  he jerks violently.  And collapses on me.  Panting hard and sweaty.”  “Fuck Annie, yer amazing.  I wull never git enough of ye.  I love ye.”  He kisses my neck.  Down my jaw line and up to my mouth.  He thrusts his tongue in and kisses me with such passion.  I will never get enough of this man either.
    “I love you too.”
    We get up then.  Shower and dress for the day.  I pack up my things and he puts the bags in his jeep.  I bring the breakfast tray down to the kitchen and say my goodbyes and thanks to his family.  I go out to get the rest of my stuff out of my truck and Brody is already on it.  He and Kevin are talking about when Brody can get away again to visit.  Donna gives me a hug and walks to the jeep to say her goodbyes to her son.   We are driving down the drive out to the main road and our adventure together is about to start.
    Chapter 7
      While driving towards Boston we fell into comfortable conversations.   Getting to know each other better and learning each other’s quirks and pet peeves.  Of course I told him that he had to put the toilet seat back down when he finished.  And I’m not to use his razor.  His major request is for me to except myself.  I’m not to put myself down anymore.  How do you do that when you have heard it your whole life?
    “Ok, I this is my biggest one, leaving a sip of something to drink left and putting it back in the refrigerator.  Same with food.”
    “Right, noted.  I wull drink jist a sip and leave enough fur ye tae drink.”  Brody winks and rubs my knee.  “I’m glad ye decided tae move in wi me.   We wull be fine Love.  It doesn’t huv tae git aw worked oot th’day.”
    “I know that, I just don’t want you to regret asking me to live with you.  It is all of the sudden.  What are your friends going to think with you coming home with a roommate?  And what about all your women friends wont they be disappointed you are off the market?”
    “Love, I mentioned tae ye thit it’s been a year since ma last encounter wi a ‘female friend’.  There is noo line of thum.  And fur ma mates, they wull be chuffed tae pieces I huv a girl ‘gain.”
    “Aww, so I’m your girl?”  I tease him.
    “Ye ken it baby.”  He raises my hand to his lips and kisses.
    “What are your thoughts on pets?”
    “Whit kind of pets? Dogs em sure.  Pussy cat? I huv yers n’ I love how she purrs.”
    “Brody!”  I smack his shoulder and he’s laughing.   “Behave or I will have to punish you.”  I hear a low not so subtle groan from him.  He looks over at me and his eyes are starting to darken with lust.
    “I do the punishing love. “
    “Yes, sir.”  I smirk at him.
    “Ma Love be careful.  Ye don’t wanni stert something we canni finish jist noow.”
    “touché.  So, tell me, will I be working for you or Eric?”
    “Both.  Tae be honest he wiz right ‘bout needing someone tae dae the office work.  He and I are falling behind.  And we don’t huv the best system.  It is a mess.”  He grimaces.
    “That’s fine.  I like to keep busy.  I’ll get it all sorted out.  Do you work out in the field too?”  I picture him in his hard hat, shirtless sweaty and working those hard muscles of his.  Mmm.  He is smiling at me knowing what I’m thinking.  Damn I can’t hide anything from him.
    “Aye, whin we are short handed.” Okay.  I need to change the subject or I’m going to be squirming here in my seat.  Music. That should be safe.
    “Do you mind if I hook my IPod in and listen to some music.”
    “As long as it’s noo country.” He grins
    “What’s wrong

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