
Free Destiny by Amanda O'Lone

Book: Destiny by Amanda O'Lone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda O'Lone
on the bed next to me.
    “Aye, I did.  Ye need tae eat. Pancakes and fresh strawberries, and o’ course coffee, bit I didn’t ken if ye like creem or sugar?”
    “Both please.”  I smile at him.  How did I get lucky?  Is this how it will always be?  I could get use to this.  He adds the cream and sugar and hands me the cup.  “Mmm, I so needed the caffeine. Thanks.”
    “Yer maist welcome.  Noow, We need tae think aboot gitting ready tae go.  Yer truck is gonna stay. Kev n’ Da wull work on it.”  I nod ok.  While I eat, Brody walks around the room packing up his things.  “Annie, ye didn’t tell me whit joab ye had lined up?”
    “Umm, jist a secretary position at a construction company.”  He stops what he’s doing and looks at me.
    “What company?” I can’t read his facial expression but he’s made me nervous now.
    “B.A.S.W Construction, Why?  Is there something wrong?”  Brody smiles a big smile.
    “Noo, nothing is wrong.   Em, did Eric Simmons hire ye?”
    “Yes?  How do you know that?” 
    “Love, thit’s ma company.”  He grins.  “Eric is ma best mate. We started the company together.  He felt we needed someone tae dae the office work.  We started the company oot o’ college five years ago.”
    “Really?  Huh.  Small world?”  I finished eating and moved the tray off to the side.  Brody comes back over and sits next to me’
    “Aye, it is.  I’m fucking glad he insisted on hiring ye.”  He leans in and kisses me.  He starts out slow and I place my hands on his chest, and I feel him shudder.
    “So, Mr. McGhee, You don’t make it a habit of hooking up with your employees do you?”  I try to make it sound as a joke, but there is that part of me that is jealous and praying like hell he doesn’t.  he chuckles.
    “Emm, Noo.  Since ye are the first secretary we huv had, and the crew are aw men, Noo, ye are the first and only baby.”  He pulls my legs down so I’m lying down again and stands and removes his shirt and pants.  His cock is so huge and it isn’t fully erect yet.  I lick my lips and he doesn’t miss it.  He grabs a hold of his member and slowly starts stroking it.  He looks into my eyes and lets out a small moan.
    “See something ye like baby?”  I nod yes and close my legs together to try and alleviate some of the ache.  Watching this beautiful man is such a turn on.  He reaches down with his other hand and pulls the blanket down.  He lets out a growl from deep in his chest.  I can see pre cum beading on his tip.  I lick my lips wanting it to taste it.  He walks up towards my head.
    “Ye wan ma cock in ye mouth don’t ye, love.”
    “Yes.”  Im breathless.  This man turns me into a quivering mess.  God, I fucking love it.
    “Open.”  And I do.  He places the head just inside my lips and I lick.  “Oh, Fuck!”  I suck on it now moving down toward the root of him and lick my way back up.  “Fuck baby thit feels guid.  Dae it again.”  I do and he rewards me with a gasp and a shudder.  He grips the headboard.  “Shite, yer gonna make me come hard, but noo yet.  I wan tae come in yer hot wet pussy.”  He thrusts his cock in my mouth a few more times and pulls out.  “Spread yer legs baby, I wansee yer pink pussy.  Rub yer clit fur me”
    I do and he begins stroking his cock again.  After a couple of minutes, Brody spreads my legs wider and is sucking and tongue fucking my pussy like nobody’s business.
    “Oohh, Brody!  Shit, don’t stop!  I’m coming!”
    “Mmm Baby, come, come on ma face.  God, Ye taste so guid.”  He continues eating me out until I’ve come down from my high.  He keeps my legs on his shoulders and positions himself at my opening.  He slowly thrusts into me.
    “Ahhh.”  We both moan out.
    “God Damn Annie, I love ye pussy.  It wiz made fur me.  Mine.” He grunts out.  “Yer mine.  Aw mine. Say it love.  Tell me yer mine.”
    “Mmm Brody, I’m yours.  I’m

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