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Book: Destiny by Amanda O'Lone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda O'Lone
with country?”
    “Oh, nothing.  If ye lost yer girl and wanni win her back whilst sitting in yer truck whit yer dog by yer side.” He says while laughing.
    “Okay, it’s not all like that. You know that right?”
    “Dae ye like country music?” He asks seriously.
    “Some.  But not all the ones you’re talking about.  There are ones where the girl caught her boyfriend cheating and smashes up the truck or pimped out cars.” I laugh at him.
    “Noted. Don’t piss ma woman off or ma jeep wull be smashed tae bits.”
    “No, I wouldn’t smash the jeep, I’d sell it and take a cruise with the money.” I giggle.
    “Right.  So I wull sit here waiting wi my dog fur ye tae come back.”
    “Right.  Glad we got that all sorted out.”  I say as I’m pulling up my favorite playlist. The first song that plays is “Thinking out loud”.  I’m looking out the window singing along and about half way through I can feel Brody looking over at me.  I try to ignore it, but can’t any longer.  “Why do you keep looking at me?  Do I have a booger hanging out of my nose or something?” 
    “Noo Love, yer jist amazing.  The mare I learn aboot ye, the mare I fall in love.”  He reaches over and cups the back of my head and brings me in for a kiss.
    “Eyes on the road Mr. McGhee.  I’d like to make it to your place in one piece to see if it has my stamp of approval.”  He smiles and looks back to the road.  He puts his hand on my shoulder pulling me over to him. I nestle into the crook of his arm and look out the window as the world goes by while I’m sitting here in the arm of my man.  I’m so content it scares me.  Why is this so easy?  Why is he accepting me and wanting me, a life with me? 
    “Are ye gitting hungry, love?  We can stoap at the nixt café we come acroass.”
    “Sure, sounds good to me.”  Fifteen minutes later we pull into a small little diner.  He orders a burger and fries and I order a chef’s salad.
    “Noo, noo rabit food.  Ye like burgers n’ chips, aye?”  I nod.  “she wull huv the same.”  The waitress looks me up and down and smirks.  What’s your problem, you skinny bitch!  I hate people who are so judgmental.  “N’ I wull huv a large chocolate shake.”   Skinny bitch leaves and Brody looks to me smiling.  “Love, come sit wi me.”
    “We jist spent three oors in the jeep, I wan tae hold ye.  Kiss ye.  So please git yer sweet sexy arse ower here.”  I obey and he leans back in the booth with one leg bend up resting on the seat and he pulls me in so I’m sitting between his legs.  He rubs my back and sits forward and kisses my neck up to my ear.  “Mmm, yer driving me crazy.”  He whispers in my ear.
    “Ye smell amazing, I jist wan tae eat ye up.  And those sexy little shorts show yer arse perfectly.  Mmm n’ don’t git me going wi yer shurt.”  He kisses back down to my neck and starts nibbling.  The waitress shows back up with waters and Brody’s shake.  She gives me a disgusted look and I know Brody saw it out of the corner of his eye. “Can I git two straws fur ma shake please.”  He says wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.  The waitress leaves two straws with a shocked look on her face and walked away. 
    “What’s wrong with my shirt?”
    “Nothing at aw.  I enjoy the view.”  I look up at him and he’s peeking down the front of my shirt at my breasts.
    “Brody, we are in a public place, stop being a sex fiend.”
    “Oh baby, I canni help it, I want ye.  Ye turn me in tae a sex crazed teenager.” He kisses me hard.  Thrusting his tongue in my mouth, fucking me with it.  Fuck I want him just as bad.  I can feel him growing hard on my hip and I want so badly to touch it.  I want to suck it.  I suck on his tongue hinting to him what I wanted and he growls deep from in his chest.  He slips his hand that’s on my back down to my ass and squeezes.  I let out a

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