Deadman's Blood
I’ll see you soon,” Dr. Rowe said as he left the study.

Chapter Five
    Anton was headed toward the garage when he ran in to a giggling Josh and Melanie.
    “Anton...any chance we can score a car to go to town?” Josh asked.
    “Well, I’m heading out myself, but here,” he pulled his keys from his pocket and took a key off the chain and tossed it to them. “Take the red one. It was Libby’s. Enjoy,” Anton offered.
    Josh said, “Thanks. Where are you off to in such a good mood?”
    “Got a date!” Anton said.
    “Not with the girl who ditched you at Darby and Devon’s party?” Josh scolded.
    “The very one, but this time I brought rope and handcuffs,” he said, laughing.
    As Anton got into the silver Audi coupe, Melanie said, “He was joking, wasn’t he?”
    Josh shrugged his shoulders as he unlocked the door for her and said, “How should I know? Maybe vampires like it like that.”
    “You’re joking right?” she asked.
    “Yes. Anton’s too much of a gentleman to be into S&M. Besides, from what I can tell, he REALLY likes this gal, despite her leaving him without an explanation at the party.” Josh started the sporty red car and pulled out of the garage, following Anton out to the main road and into town.
    Much to Anton’s disappointment, Jules held him to his promise to make the date much more casual than their first to Darby and Devon’s engagement party. So much so, that she insisted on meeting him at the little Italian restaurant instead of allowing him to pick her up.
    To conform to her casual request, he wore jeans and a light blue linen shirt. He checked the rear view mirror before he got out of the car, raking his hands through his dark blonde buzzed hair. Looked the same as when he left the house - no surprise. When your hair is that short, it doesn’t get too messed up unless you’re in a tornado, and even then, not really.
    He popped a mint in his mouth and proceeded to the restaurant entrance. He was used to women checking him out, and he had to admit he liked the attention. When he and Devon were younger and in school, Devon often accused him of being awful cocky about his looks. He knew he could come off a little arrogant, but he never cared much how others perceived him. But tonight, he didn’t want to leave that impression on Jules. She had made him work for this date, like no other woman had, and he was determined to win her over.
    He spoke to the hostess, who he could see was trying to flirt with him. He smiled at her attempts, but kept a watchful eye on the door for Jules. Being handsome does have its advantages; he did get his pick of tables and he picked one in a corner where he and Jules could have a bit of privacy.
    He ordered a bottle of Chianti while he waited. He was doted on by his waitress, Brandi (with an ‘i’), and the hostess kept peeking at him as the time ticked on. He checked his watch a couple of times. No sign of her yet and it was half past when they were scheduled to meet.
    Has she stood me up? he wondered. He had been persistent at pushing her into this date; he wondered if maybe he had pushed too hard too soon. He thought though, he himself had sometimes gotten tied up at the gallery and been late sometimes as much as an hour. It could be that she simply lost track of the time. He would give her another half hour before he headed home.
    The time moved much slower the second half hour and when the hour was up, he had drank most of the bottle of Chianti. Good thing alcohol didn’t affect vampires the same as humans, or he might not be able to drive, but it would take a huge amount of wine to intoxicate him. Feeling Jules would not show, he raised his hand to Brandi as she passed, letting her know he was ready for his bill. She brought it to him promptly and he paid and left.
    He sat in his car for a while deciding what to do now that his plans had changed. He decided he wasn’t quite ready to give up on the evening. He made a

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