Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Free Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella) by N Kuhn

Book: Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella) by N Kuhn Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Kuhn
finish packing up and getting Jennie’s room ready, I check them in, and you can make a grand entrance at dinner? Considering everything that’s going on, maybe you checking in two men alone isn’t so safe yet?” She looked at him pensively. He could tell it bothered her that he was stepping in on her business, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow, Ciminielli was too close to finding her.
“Sure, I guess. I do have a lot to get done in the morning, thank you,” she acquiesced as he helped her up into the truck. He still couldn’t get over the way her darker hair made her look. Against the pale skin of her neck, it made such a contrast that his cock ached and longed to feel the warmth of her body again. As she pulled herself into the passenger seat, he leaned in, capturing her bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling lightly. He crushed his mouth against hers, his tongue pressing into her. Pulling back, he loved the red swollen look on her mouth.
“You’ve been a good boy today, I think I promised you something.” Her voice was raspy with lust as he smiled, quickly shutting the truck door and running around to the other side. Worry could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, he was going to show Mara again, how he could worship her body.

Chapter 8
    Mara rolled over, her body sore from two nights in a row of love making with Beau. She stretched lazily and rolled over to realize that Beau was no longer laying next to her. The door creaked open and she saw him trying to quietly enter with boxes in hand.
“Hey, good morning cowboy,” she said, her husky sleep filled voice startled him. L
“Hello there sweetheart. I found these in the shed, so I figured you just used them to unpack and could use them to repack.” She smiled at him, sitting up. The blanket fell, exposing her naked body. Beau groaned. As much as he wanted to join her back in bed, he knew that her guests would be here soon.
“So, how about you get dressed and pack. I will handle checking in your guests and then come back here to help you carry them out the back?” He wanted to check these guys out before he even allowed her near them.
“Sure, want me to cook breakfast?” She moved towards the dresser, piling her now shorter hair, on top of her head in one of those messy buns. It was still long enough to get the locks off her neck, exposing the soft skin. His lips tingled, thinking of kissing that area. Shaking his head, he moved towards the door again.
“I already have coffee ready and I made you some fruit. I’ll cook you an amazing lunch after we get to my place.” He ran to the kitchen, bringing her breakfast back to her.
“It’s like you’re in a hurry to lock me up in here,” she said with humor filling her voice. When he handed her the coffee, he took in the short shorts and tiny tank top she had on. Mara wiggled her ass a little when she noticed he was staring.
“Maybe you can help me shower after too,” she suggested. He reached over, pulling her face to him and kissed her softly.
“Definitely,” he whispered. Bear began to bark and Beau walked out of the room.
    The two men who entered were definitely not Mr. Thomas and Mr. Jones.
“Mr. Belmont, I was unaware you had a second job,” Paulie Ciminelli said to Beau. His heart raced and he prayed that Mara stayed in her room. As he indicated the office Mara had set up on her first day here, the men followed.
“Yea, my girlfriend owns this place, so I help her out when I can.”
“Oh, do we get to meet this lovely lady?” Paulie asked. The tone of his voice creeped Beau out.
“Ah, she needed some sleep. I let her stay in bed.” Beau slid in behind the desk as Paulie took the chair across from him. The other man looked like the one Jennie had described last night. He was greasy and quite the stereo type Italian.
“This is Jimmy. He’s going to stay with me.”
“What made you decide to come stay way out here, instead of in Dallas? You would think

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