The Taking

Free The Taking by Erin McCarthy

Book: The Taking by Erin McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy
his cynicism, and he figured sex was better than no sex even if it came without a declaration of love and a promise of forever.
    “There is a man, outside a castle . . . a tour guide, maybe? He likes your accent.”
    The friend giggled. “Do we have accents in Georgia?” she said with a rueful grin.
    “You’re wearing a navy shirt when you meet him.” Might as well steer her in the direction of a better color for her complexion.
    She frowned. “I don’t have any navy shirts. I like bright colors.”
    “Maybe I’m wrong about that,” he said, soothingly, knowing she would be out shopping that very afternoon for navy. “But he shares your interest in horses.”
    “Oh,” she said, her voice breathy, expression thoughtful. “That would be . . . nice.”
    The two girls sighed and exchanged a look of contentment. Maybe the fantasy would be enough. Or maybe just the idea would spur confidence in her, and that was worth a few words of encouragement from him.
    The doorbell tinkled the arrival of another customer and Felix wrapped up the reading. He couldn’t see who had entered the shop, since he did readings behind a screen, but he could care less if someone robbed him of every last voodoo doll and scented candle in the shop. It was meaningless to him.
    The girls thanked him with smiles, dropping a five-dollar bill into his tip jar. Not that he could keep it. Most of it went to the master, not to his pocket. But he expressed his thanks anyway, smiling and wishing them a good day as he escorted them around the screen.
    They walked toward the door, scooting around the new customer, and he opened his mouth to say hello.
    Then he realized who it was and his greeting died on his lips.
    Regan Henry Alcroft.
    Just who he didn’t need to see.
    She was wearing expensive jeans, boots with heels, and a black sweater. Along with a tentative smile.
    “Hi. I’m not sure if you remember me, but I was at a function you gave readings at . . . you gave me a reading. I’m—”
    He cut her off, not wanting to prolong this, not wanting to feel any compassion or desire for her. “Regan Henry Alcroft. I know who you are.”
    She was startled, but then she recovered, dropping her large handbag down onto the floor at her feet. “Actually, it’s Henry. Just Henry.”
    “Excuse me?” He didn’t follow her thought, preoccupied with wondering if it was coincidence that she was in black again, or if she preferred black and white clothes.
    “I’ve dropped the Alcroft. My divorce will be final in a few weeks, I hope.”
    Well, well. Felix’s eyes automatically fell to her ring finger. It was bare. Alcroft hadn’t mentioned a divorce in progress, but then why would he? The master gave no explanations to the servant.
    “Do I offer congratulations or sympathy?” he asked, leaning against a display table a few feet away from her.
    “Congratulations.” There was a pink stain on her cheeks, and she looked nervous, but pleased with herself. “It’s a good thing and it was my decision.”
    “Then congratulations. May Regan Henry be very happy.” Far, far away from him.
    She smiled. “Thank you.”
    “So are you just passing by?” he asked. “In need of a potion to win more in your divorce settlement?” He didn’t think for one minute she had just been strolling down Orleans Street and walked into his shop by accident. She had sought him out, and damn it, that made him uncomfortable. Her being anywhere near him was dangerous, for both of them.
    “No.” Regan shook her head. “I don’t need a potion. I wanted to ask you a question, but first I want to thank you.”
    Felix could feel the coil of tension in him tighten. “For what?”
    “For the reading that night, at the Christmas party. I’m sure you had no idea that I was thinking about leaving my husband, and well, it sounds stupid, but when you asked to see my ring, and I took it off, the freedom I felt then was the push I needed to get the courage to leave. So thank you.

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