An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series)

Free An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series) by A.L. Bridges

Book: An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (The Gods' Executioner Series) by A.L. Bridges Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.L. Bridges
torrent of water strong enough to knock them over.
    “It’s salt water so you’re going to have to dip the temp below negative two degrees Celsius.” I report to Cheza as I hear several sickening pops behind me and to my left.
    “I know.” Cheza replies and encases both of the vampires in ice that has spikes along the interior in a move that I’ve aptly named ‘the ice ron maiden’… I said aptly named, not well named.
    “Nice!” I tell her as the sou nd of a sniper rifle rings out.
    Since the round didn’t hit me or Cheza, I look to my left and see that it did hit Simmons right in the heart, or at least it would have if the bullet had been able to penetrate the scaly hide of his now seven foot form with crocodile head and tail as hi s clothes lay in tatters at his feet.
    “Fall back.” Simmons orders with a gravelly tone and heads back to the gate.
    We run back through the gate and take cover behind one of the sandbag mounds as the vampires open fire on the compound while advancing forward. The ‘diggers’ start returning fire on the vampires, but the bullets do little to halt their advance because of the vampires’ bronze aura enhancements. A few vampires try to climb the electrified fence, only to get zapped and fall down, but they manage to get back up a few seconds later. The way the vampires have packed around the fenced compound reminds me of something out of a zombie movie. I pull my silver, .460 S&W handgun from my back and fire through the fence from behind the sandbags. My gun packs enough of a punch to kill the vampires with every shot, but I only have about forty rounds, so it’s not going to be much help.
    An explosion to my left attract s my attention, followed by a scattering of explosions around the compound as I realize that they’re launching mortars at us. Shit, that’s going to be trouble. I hear the faint sound of a suppressed sniper rifle ring out from the roof of the building behind me. Fifteen rounds later and the sounds of the mortars stops.
    “ I’ll take care of the mortars and other snipers.” Natasha thinks to me and I feel that something is off about her.
    “Tasha, you didn’t…” I sadly reply when I realize what she’s done.
    “Don’t worry; it’s just the normal injection, not the special one that utilizes your blood.” Natasha replies.
    “Good.” I think with a sigh of relief. Now after her adrenaline runs out, she won’t slip into a coma like she did four years ago.
    “You and Chezarei focus on the infantry. The force has centralized at the front gate since they’ve apparently realized that the entire fence is electrified, so give them all you’ve got!” Natasha responds.
    I’m about to follow Natasha’s advice when I look towards the fence and see what appears to be a severed torso with giant bat wings flying over the fence.
    “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?” I shout over the sound of the gunfire.
    “That’s a Manananggal, mate! A Filipino vampire that can sever its torso to fly! Watch the tongue! It’s got a proboscis like a cone snail that’s capable of puncturing sheet rock!” Simmons warns me as I see a dozen more flying over the fence.
    They all seem to be wearing modified combat vests that remind me of the ones that the ifrits wore in Shehar. The vests are useful from stopping lethal shots, but they don’t do shit for the manananggals’ wings, which are torn apart by gunfire, causing them to drop out of the sky. The manananggals hit the ground with their wings torn to shreds; without legs, I think this threat is neutralized… until the manananggals get up and continue their advance by hopping around with their severed torsos, which is infinitely more terrifying, even if they are moving rather slowly.
    “They’re all like the dad in that show The Oblongs! ” Cheza giggles and I start laughing loudly, no longer seeing them as threatening. Two manananggals stop hopping and look at each other.
    “Are they laughing at us?” one manananggal

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