Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness

Free Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness by Jackie Ivie

Book: Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
with anticipation. Rachel’s cries tore her throat. Her thrashing gained her little. He easily held her in place atop him, while stabbing at her backside with his groin.
    And that was changing.
    Rachel grabbed his hands, and pulled them away. And he let her. She spun, and then she was straddling him, panting with effort as she looked down at him. Wow . There was no better word. Wystan was gorgeous. More sculpted statue than man. Rachel’s throat pinched off, her eyes stung with what couldn’t possibly be tears, and her heart pulsed with a heave that almost hurt. All of that was just ridiculous. This was an aberration...not only of time and space and her personal code of behavior.
    It was also beyond the realm of possibility.
    No man was this sexy. No man was this handsome.
    She rose and fell with each of his breaths. Her legs were still encased in yards of material. The hips she straddled were also clothed. And it felt completely erotic. Sensual. Exciting.
    “Ah. Rachel. My love. My...mate.”
    The words were huffed between lips that looked swollen and stained with blood. That wasn’t likely or possible. She didn’t believe in fate. She didn’t believe in vampires. And she sure as hell didn’t believe in love at first sight. He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he’d said. And if he was that naïve, he was in for a nasty surprise. This was a one-night stand.
    Not a commitment.
    Rachel leaned down to hover atop him, her mouth just out of reach. Open. Grasping. Breathing with him. She flicked a tongue out and connected with his lip. He jerked, lifting them completely off the mattress, while the moan that ensued scored through both of them.
    And that was like lighting the fuse. She needed to experience all of him. Deep. And right now.
    Now .
    He got the message without words. Rachel rolled to her side in order to tug on the ties of her waistband with fingers that trembled. She shoved the skirts down, shimmying out of the first layer, using hands that shook. The second layer followed. Then the last. And then she was unclasping the buckle on her thigh holster. She shoved it up under one of the pillows. The boots had to go next and those buttons up her ankles gave her all kinds of trouble.
    Damn medieval fashion!
    She probably should have just taken her knife blade to the stupid things. But finally, it was done. Rachel tossed the boots toward the side of the mattress, watched them disappear, and heard a distinct thud as they landed somewhere on the floor. That left her nothing other than the insubstantial item Munson had called a chemise.
    Wystan hadn’t been idle. His knee breeches were gone and he was stretched out on his back, displaying a cock that was erect, and filled, and pretty damned enormous. Rachel’s jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. Holy shit. Wystan was unbelievably well-built. Thick. Hard. And ready.
    Rachel hiked her chemise up, flung a leg over him, aimed, and then...
    Oh my!
    Nothing had prepared her for the sensation of fullness. Wystan lurched upward as she encased him, the move shoving further into her, while the groan that resonated from him filled the enclosure with sound. And he was shaking. The bedstead rattled with it.
    “Oh, love! Oh ...Rachel.!”
    He matched the words to his motions. His hands grabbed her ass and lifted her. Held her po ised above him for countless moments where everything seemed to halt, and then he hauled her back down. Impaling her. Filling. Creating.
    The throbs of sound got louder. Harsher. Deeper.
    Wystan must be hearing it, too, for his rhythm matched every beat. Every thump. Again. More. Harder. Every move slid ridges of definition into her. Again. And again. And then faster. Something sparked into being within her. It grew. Became an all-out wave of tension. And it came closer. Rachel grabbed onto his arms, tightened her thighs, flung her head back.
    And careened into wonder.
    Her cries had joy at their core. Laughter accompanied it as

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