Sinful Too

Free Sinful Too by Victor McGlothin

Book: Sinful Too by Victor McGlothin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor McGlothin
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Richard was a busy man, a successful pastor, and a loving father. He wouldn’t be foolish enough to let a second affair inside the hedge he’d built after an earlier indiscretion nearly tore his world apart. Nadeen figured her husband was merely wrapped up in church matters. Until there was something concrete to make her think differently, it was best to keep her eyes open and her unsettling concerns to herself.
    Richard’s restlessness followed him into the bedroom. Anxious ideas had him tossing and turning throughout the night. When he finally dozed off around three in the morning, Dior was there waiting on him. She stripped off his clothes and kissed him aggressively, performing the kinky acts Nadeen reserved for his birthday. It was the wildest sex he ever had, and even though it had happened in the recesses of his mind, it felt real as could be. He smelled Dior’s scent, touched, and tasted her. She was sensual, naughty, and sinfully skilled in the art of erotica. Passion swelled between his legs. Dior’s provocative maneuvers twisted Richard’s body while contorting hers in positions he wouldn’t have guessed possible. He gave her all that he had, matching stroke for stroke until he climaxed amid a thunderous boom of emotion. Richard awoke when he heard the sound of lightning clap against the darkened sky. Rain streamed down the windows. He sat on the side of the bed, staring breathlessly at the rise in his boxers and shocked by the accumulation of semen on his lap. Embarrassed by his first wet dream in years, Richard tiptoed into the master bathroom then closed the door. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he realized two things immediately. He’d have to rinse out his underwear and he really needed to get a tighter grip on reality. Confident in his ability to control his interest in Dior, he told himself it wouldn’t become a distraction in his home. His inner voice fooled him into believing it hadn’t already.

    Easy Ain’t Free
    T he next morning, Richard couldn’t wait to get out of the house. By the time Nadeen had gotten dressed, he’d had breakfast, read the newspaper, and disappeared. He left a note on the kitchen table explaining that he had a full agenda and needed to get a jump on it. He checked in at the office, followed up on a few phone calls, and quickly began to plot out the rest of his day, which was centered on seeing Dior again.
    Richard stopped by a ritzy car wash to have his Lexus sedan primed and polished. Next, he found himself at the Neiman Marcus fragrance counter. A pleasant sales assistant displayed several gift sets. Richard listened attentively to her spiels, each time imagining how that particular perfume would likely commingle with Dior’s natural scent. He smiled when the thought of spraying her shapely body came to mind, then he did his best to chase that wicked wish away.
A gift is just a token to show my appreciation
, he kept telling himself.
Nothing more; nothing less.
    After sampling numerous fragrances and floral bouquets for almost an hour he decided on a pricey French perfume with hints of citrus and teakwood. It reminded him of a college girl he didn’t have a shot at nailing before eventually meeting Nadeen. Richard had dreamed about sleeping with Elise too, although he was married two months before giving up on that dream coming true.
    With a smile in his heart, Richard made his way to Giorgio’s. He strolled through the lower level of the shopping mall, holding on to the twine-strapped department store bag. He stopped at a kiosk in the middle of the pathway to check his teeth in the sunglass salesman’s mirror before making the turn into the men’s store. Suza recognized him the moment he came in. She smiled cordially, knowing who he was there to see. “Hey, is Dior in today?” he asked. “I’m supposed to pick up something.” Richard began to feel a bit sophomoric when Suza stared at his small Neiman’s bag before answering his

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