Suspicion At Sea

Free Suspicion At Sea by Amie Nichols

Book: Suspicion At Sea by Amie Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amie Nichols
before she answers.
    “I inherited the house and haven't been able to bring myself to sell it. Even though I haven't been back since right after my parents were mur..." Her lips close so fast it's like they have magnets in them.
    “What?” I almost think something is wrong, like she is choking, at the speed at which she stopped talking.
    “Nothing, I've just never opened up with anyone so fast before. I never talk with anyone about my parents’ death, only Cody,” she says, and I feel my jaw tighten with jealousy. This is the second time today I've felt an emotion I've never felt before.
    “Who's Cody?” I try with all my might not to sound as jealous as I'm feeling, but who's the man she only shares her feelings with?
    “He's my partner, my best friend, and the only person I have that I consider family,” she answers.
    “Oh.” I'm not sure how to take this. “Sounds like he is someone very special to you.” I know there is contention in my voice.
    “Yes, he is, but not how you are thinking.” She reaches over the table and touches her fingers to mine. “The point is, that I'm telling you things, things that took me three years to open up to Cody with and I've only known you for four days,” she says. I know exactly what she is talking about. I move my fingers so they interlace with hers.
    “I'm glad you feel like you can open up with me.” I half smile, feeling silly at my sudden attack of raging jealousy. “Were you going to say that your parents were murdered?” I stumble with the question, not sure if I should ask. She nods, putting her head down and taking her hand back. It's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to push her on the subject, I don't even like talking about my mom's death. I couldn't imagine if she was taken from me by the hands of someone else, cancer was horrible enough.
    “Damn, I am so full.” She pushes away her plate after a few minutes of silence. She has eaten half of the burger and only made a small dent in the fries.
    “You barely touched it.” I laugh as I finish the last bite of my burger.
    “Whatever.” She throws a fry at me. “That was a fucking big-ass burger,” she retorts, cussing like a sailor, which I also find very sexy.
    “What a dirty little mouth you have,” I tease, wanting very much to kiss that perfect mouth again.
    “My apologies, did my words hurt your tender ears?” She laughs and I give her my best smile.
    “Yes, they did. I think I need a kiss to ease the pain,” I say it teasingly, but mean it wholeheartedly.
    “In your dreams, frogman,” she teases back.
    “Yes, certainly in my dreams.” I'm more serious and this makes her blush again. I look down at my plate then back up. She is staring at me, her eyes soft. I feel she wants to say something, but she doesn't. It's a moment, a fleeting one, but a moment where our connection seems to get stronger.
    “You said you wanted to show me something tomorrow, what is it?” she says, very good at changing the subject.
    “That is a surprise. You will just have to wait until tomorrow.” I lay two twenties on the table to pay for our dinners and the tip.
    “No, let me get it,” she says grabbing her purse.
    “The man pays on a date.” I hold up my hand and scoot out of the booth.
    “I wasn't aware this was a date.” She laughs and scoots to the edge of her seat.
    “Yes, our second one if you count me paying for breakfast.”
    “I said I'd pay you back,” she argues.
    “Too late, it was already a date, and this makes two.” I laugh and take her hand. I take it without even thinking, like it's the most natural thing in the world. She doesn't pull away from me either, and I have a huge smile on my face. That is until Jake and Tammy Coons walk into the diner. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
    I feel Ellie tense up next to me when she sees him.
    “Your kin is missing at sea and you are out having a great time with some slut tourist,” Jake scoffs, looking Ellie up and down.

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