Secret Liaisons
for you.”
    â€œThanks, Bessie,” Terrance said.
    Bessie left them alone.
    â€œI guess I should thank you again for coming to my rescue back at the Flamingo. Some dudes don’t take rejection well,” Mona said.
    â€œYou’re always rescuing me from my fiascos, so it felt good to return the favor.” Terrance winked his eye. His cell phone rang. He glanced down at it. “I need to take this call. I’ll be right back.”
    Terrance slipped out of the booth and walked outside.
    Mona looked around and saw that the diner was filled with people from all walks of life. Her stomach growled. She couldn’t wait to get her food. She pulled out her cell phone and checked her social media sites while waiting on Terrance to return. She laughed at some of the funny memes.
    Terrance slipped back into his seat. “What’s so funny?”
    â€œI was on Charlie Murphy’s Instagram’s page and he made a funny meme.”
    â€œCharlie Murphy is hilarious. Do you remember his skits on the Dave Chappelle Show?”
    â€œOh my goodness, yes.” Mona laughed. She attempted to mimic one of Charlie Murphy’s skits.
    Terrance laughed so hard he held his side.
    â€œHere are your burgers. Enjoy,” Bessie said.
    Mona took a bite out of her big juicy burger. “Mmm,” she moaned. In between bites, she said, “You’re so right. This is good. Almost better than sex.”
    â€œThe key word is almost,” Terrance responded.
    She saw him wink.
    Mona squirmed in her seat. They continued to eat but neither said a word as they ate their food.
    Terrance paid the bill and left Bessie a nice tip.
    â€œI really hate for this night to end,” Terrance said, while they walked to his car.
    â€œI’ve enjoyed hanging out with you, too.”
    By now they were at Terrance’s car. He held the door open. “The night doesn’t have to end.”
    Terrance leaned forward and before Mona could respond, he was kissing her. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She forgot all about Falcon being a no show. She also forgot about her original reservations of being with Terrance. She forgot about everything except the feel of his lips on hers.
    She pulled back. She used her fingers to wipe the red lipstick from his mouth. “Why don’t you take me to get my car and then I’ll follow you back to your place?”
    â€œNow that’s what I love to hear,” Terrance said.
    Mona got in on the passenger side. Terrance drove her to her car. He waited for her to get securely inside. She pulled off first and he followed her down the highway.
    The juicy burger satisfied her taste buds but only Terrence would be able to satisfy her sexual appetite. She kept trying to think of excuses of why she shouldn’t meet Terrance at his place but couldn’t come up with any so she didn’t detour.
    Mona parked her car in Terrance’s circular driveway. He pulled in behind her. He held his hand out and they walked hand in hand up the walkway inside of his house.

Chapter Eighteen
    They were barely inside of the house, when Terrance and Mona began kissing. With lips locked, they removed each other’s clothes.
    Terrance had Mona pinned to the wall in the hallway. He cupped one of her breasts and flickered his tongue over the nipple. She leaned back on the wall and moaned. She wrapped her legs around Terrance’s waist and he held her buttocks with his hands. They kissed some more while he carried her in that position to one of the nearby guest bedrooms. He practically kicked the door in.
    They fell on the bed. Terrance was on his back with Mona on top of him. Mona’s kisses trailed down Terrance’s neck to his chest. When she reached his boxers, she reached into the opening and pulled out his erect penis and licked the head of it catching Terrance off-guard.
    She wrapped her mouth around it as Terrance moaned out

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