Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14]

Free Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14] by Betty Sullivan La Pierre

Book: Moonshine Murder [Hawkman Bk 14] by Betty Sullivan La Pierre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
out of the chimney at the Hutchinson's?” she asked, slicing pickles, tomatoes and cheese, then putting them on a plate.
    "It always amazed me how women could cook on one of those wood stoves. How the heck do they know the temperature is right when they put food in the oven?"
    Jennifer smiled. “Mostly by feel. They learn from practice how hot it should be and when to add more wood."
    He shook his head. “I've seen beautiful cakes, pies, and breads pulled from those iron monsters. I thought it amazing."
    "Beth hates the cabin because it doesn't have running water or electricity. I have the impression she lived in a more modern place before now."
    Hawkman cocked his head. “Did she tell you that?"
    "Yes, she doesn't like the cabin, but she never said where she lived before."
    "It would be interesting to know."
    "Maybe one of these days she'll tell me."
    "I know you don't want to let this friendship to wane away. However, you might have to. It's dangerous for you to go up there alone."
    Jennifer exhaled loudly. “Don't harp at me about it. I'm not afraid and may go on a whim."
    He slapped a piece of cheese on a slice of bread. “Will you let me know?"
    "All depends."
    "On what?"
    "If I decide to go at the spur of the moment, I'll leave you a note."
    He glared at his wife. “I don't like your attitude."
    She shot him a look. “Then quit treating me like a child. You know I'm capable of taking care of myself. I don't need a chaperone."
    They finished their meal in silence, then retired for the night. Miss Marple had the middle of the bed to herself.
    The next few days a heavy cloud hung over the Casey household.
    Wednesday afternoon, on his way home from work, Hawkman thought about their petty disagreement and decided it had gone on long enough. He realized he'd not made clear his concerns, causing her to feel belittled. Tonight he'd apologize and try to explain.
    * * * *
    Jennifer sat at her computer, but instead of writing on her book, she stared into space brooding about the silly argument between them. She still bristled at his talking down to her, yet she knew in her heart he only cared for her well being. Her husband didn't understand the workings of a woman's mind. He never had. Smiling to herself, she remembered the many times he'd worked on cases involving young women, then come to her for advice. It still didn't excuse him for treating her like a young girl.
    Maybe she should make another trip to the cabin on her own. It would prove she could do this. She'd carry her gun as usual, and be very cautious. The thought of checking on Beth and Randy intrigued her enough to get up from the computer, head for the bedroom, where she put her weapon in the fanny pack. She fastened it around her waist. If things went right, she'd be home before Hawkman.
    She hurried out the door and went to the garage. The sun glinted off the paint of her Ford and she noticed several minute dents caused by the buckshot. Biting her lower lip, she climbed into her vehicle. If Jeb or Earl shot at her again, she'd definitely shoot back.
    Having second thoughts as she drove up the hill to the turnoff, she took a deep breath. “I can do this,” she muttered aloud.
    Just before she arrived at the place to make the turn, an old pickup emerged from between the trees and bounced onto the road. As he passed, she frowned and studied the face of the man driving. Jennifer didn't recognize him or the vehicle, and wondered what business he had up here. Looking in the rearview mirror, she watched him putt down the road. She waited until he disappeared from view before entering the rough path which led to Beth's cabin.
    Keeping a close lookout as she drove, it surprised her no one stepped out of the shadows before she reached the turnoff to the cabin. Yet she could feel eyes upon her. She parked in front and hastened to the entry. Beth opened the door before she had a chance to knock.
    "I'm so glad to see you. Please come in."
    "I won't be long. I just

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