Book: BROKEN WINGS: GODS OF CHAOS MC (BOOK THREE) by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
around and providing us with a perfect view of her ass.  For some reason, it made me think of Diana’s ass and how Diana’s view from behind was so much better.
    Once we were settled in the private booth, Sapphire closed the curtain.  
    “Remember, there’s cameras,” she said, jutting her chin up at the top corner of the booth.
    I laid out two hundred dollars on the booth.
    “How long will this buy us?”
    “Long enough,” she said with a wink as she started dancing in front of us.
    “Sorry, Diana,” she said, turning to her and pressing Diana’s face into her chest.  I laughed out loud and when she pulled away, I saw the look on Diana’s face.
    It wasn’t embarrassment.  It wasn’t anger.   Curiosity, maybe?  She wasn’t pulling away from Sapphire’s touch, that was for sure.  My cock twitched as I watched Sapphire continue to do her thing as she spoke.
    “I thought of something I wanted to tell you,” she said.  “There was a man in here a few weeks ago talking to Evie.  She said she had met him outside of work, but she didn’t say where.  Real prick, though.  Kept trying to get Evie to dance for him, but that wasn’t Evie’s job.  She kept trying to send him my way, but he only had eyes for her.  A lot of girls turn to dancing after cocktailing for a while, but Evie was determined to keep her clothes on.  She didn’t care about the money.”
    Sapphire turned around, and pushed her butt in my face, and slapped it.  Diana jumped, and I laughed again.  She had a nice ass, that was for sure.  But it was Diana’s reactions that were entertaining me tonight.

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    “Did you catch his name?” I asked, trying to look anywhere but at Sapphire’s ass and vagina.
    “No, I didn’t.  He always wore a suit.  Came in three times.  Looked familiar, actually, but I couldn’t tell you why.”  She turned to face us again and shook her boobs in Slade’s face.  I looked at him, but his eyes were on me.
    How could he be looking at me, when he had… those …in his face?  
    “So, she didn’t have a boyfriend?” I asked.
    Sapphire stood up on the booth, her feet adorned in platform heels, her naked sex now in our faces.  It was hard to look anywhere but at her pussy.  It was very pretty, actually.
    “Did Evie like snakes?”  I asked.  I was grasping at straws, hoping there was some other explanation for her disappearance, other than her having been abducted by some freaky snake man. 
    “Snakes?” she asked, a mischievous smile playing across her face as she reached down and grabbed Slade between his legs.  “You mean like this?”
    Slade jumped like he had been shot, obviously not expecting to be groped like that.  
    “Oooh, nice snake, Slade,” she said, winking as she released him.  If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think he blushed.
    “That’s not exactly what I meant.  I meant…you know, real snakes?”
    “Not that I know of.  Why do you ask?”
    “Nevermind.  Thank you, Sapphire.”
    “You bet.  Sorry, I couldn’t be of more help.  I hope they find Evie,” she said, once more turning her attention to me.  She turned around again, stuck her butt in my face, and slapped her ass one more time.  Hard.  A faint red hand imprint appeared on her right ass cheek.  “I really love that girl.”

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    “Well, thank you for coming,” Diana said as we left the club.
    “Uh-huh,” I murmured.  Surely, she didn’t think she was getting rid of me so easily?
    “I can take you back to your bike now, if that’s what you want.”
    We were at her car, and I pinned her against the door with my body.
    “Diana, you know what I want.”
    “Slade…” she began before I cut her off with my kiss.  I wasn’t fucking around, and I planned on making myself very clear.  She melted in my arms, her lips soft and pliable before something changed in her, and she began meeting the intensity of my kiss with her

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