Crime at Christmas

Free Crime at Christmas by Jack Adrian (ed)

Book: Crime at Christmas by Jack Adrian (ed) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Adrian (ed)
mere gaming,' Gaspar reminded him,
and the fat man looked sheepish. 'While you idled I was near killed by the
swordsman Nevar.'
    'A trouble-maker,' Balthazar agreed. 'I will not rest easy until Ziza is
behind us on our journey.'
    Then as they passed the burned stable on the way to their tent, old Dibon
approached them saying, 'This ruin is your fault, Gaspar. Yours and Nevar's.'
    'That is true, old man. We will stay here tomorrow and help rebuild the
    Dibon bowed his head. 'A generous offer. We thank you.'
    But when they were alone, Balthazar complained, 'This will delay us an
entire day!'

    'We will travel a distance by night, as you wished.'
    Now another surprise was waiting at their tent. As Melchior raised the
flap to enter, there was a whimper from within. Gaspar pushed past his
hesitating companion and lit the oil lamp. By its glow they saw the girl
Thantia crouched behind a pile of robes.
    'Please!' she gasped. 'Please hide me. My father has beaten me and I fear
for my life!'
    'I fear for ours if he finds you here,' Melchior said.
    Gaspar held the oil lamp closer and saw the bruises on her face and arms.
'We cannot send you back to him. Remain here with Melchior and Balthazar. I
will return shortly.'
    Then he made his way to the place where old Dibon rested, and he told the
elder what had happened. Dibon nodded and said, 'My daughter and her husband
will find room for Thantia until Nevar regains his senses. You were wise to
come to me.'
    Gaspar and his companions delivered the girl to Dibon, and went with them
to the dwelling place of Dibon's daughter. Later, in their tent, Balthazar
grumbled again about the delayed departure. But they settled down at last to
sleep, as the fires of the encampment burned low around them.
    In the morning, by the first rays of the rising sun, Gaspar was awakened
by Balthazar's panic-filled voice. 'Wake quickly, Gaspar!' he pleaded, shaking
him. 'Someone has stolen our gold!'
    Gaspar saw at once that the words were true.
    The leather sack of grain contained only grain now. Though the tent showed
no sign of forced entry, and though their regular supplies were untouched, the
gold had vanished.
    'I cannot believe it!' Melchior gasped. 'How could a thief have entered
while we slept?'
    Gaspar agreed such a thing was impossible. 'The gold was stolen before we
retired last night,' he reasoned. 'We were away from the tent during the gaming
and fire, and again while escorting Thantia. A thief could have entered at
either time.'
    'What of the perfume and incense?' Melchior asked.
    'Untouched,' Balthazar said. 'My special knot is still in place on the
other bags.'
    'Only the gold,' Gaspar mused.
    'It is truly as if someone knew where to look.'
    'The girl!' Balthazar exclaimed. 'We found her in here! She could have
searched for the gold and found it.'
    'Possible,' Gaspar admitted. 'But I cannot bring myself to believe it'.
    'We cannot leave Ziza without the gold,' Melchior said.
    'Let us put our minds to the problem while we work at the stable,' Gaspar
    Now when they reached the stable Nevar was already there, toiling with the
others. He paused in his labours when he saw the three, and shot an accusing
finger at Gaspar. 'You have stolen away my daughter. I will revenge myself!'
    'Your daughter is safe, in the care of Dibon and his family.'
    His words quieted Nevar, but Melchior asked, 'If he was so concerned, why
did he not come after us in the night?'
    Balthazar agreed. 'Or did he come, and steal our gold away?'
    Then presently old Dibon appeared, with the girl Thantia at his side. She
cast not a glance in her father's direction, and he went about his work
ignoring her. Gaspar laboured diligently through the morning, instructing Dibon
and the others in Persian building techniques. He too ignored Nevar, not
wanting more trouble.
    Once, while Balthazar was off to the well for water, Melchior whispered,
'Is it possible that our companion betrays us, Gaspar? Might he have

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