Crime at Christmas

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Book: Crime at Christmas by Jack Adrian (ed) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Adrian (ed)
the gold himself to cover his losses at the stone game?'
    But Gaspar would hear none of it. 'We must never doubt each other,
Melchior. In my heart I know Balthazar is innocent, as I know you are innocent.
And I remember the scene at the stone game. There were gold coins in front of
him. He was winning, not losing.'
    'How will we recover the gold, Gaspar?'
    'Through the power of our minds, Melchior. We are wise men, and we must
use our minds to determine the thief's identity.'
    'But there is no clue to his identity!'
    'Sometimes the lack of a clue can be one.'
    Balthazar returned with the water and they drank eagerly. Later as they
ate of their supplies, Thantia came to them. 'I thank you for helping me,' she
said. 'The elders have spoken to my father and he has promised never again to
beat me. I will return to him now.'
    'We need no thanks,' Gaspar assured her.
    Then old Dibon came to join them. 'How may we repay you for your work on
the stable?'
    'You may recover our stolen gold,' Balthazar blurted out.
    'Gold? Stolen gold?'
    'It was stolen from our tent,' Balthazar hurried on, before Gaspar could
silence him.
    'There are no thieves in Ziza!'
    'There is one.'
    'I will summon the elders. We will search for your gold.'
    'No, no,' said Gaspar. 'We will recover it.'
    'But how?'
    'By finding the thief. It is best to say nothing and catch him off guard.'
    Old Dibon bowed his head. 'I will do as you suggest.'
    'One favour. Could you ask that our horses be brought to us? We must
appear to be leaving.'
    Then, as they waited, Balthazar gathered their supplies. And Melchior
said, 'I have put my mind to the problem, Gaspar. But there are too many
possibilities. The girl Thantia could be the thief, or her father Nevar. Or any
of the game players.'
    'Or old Dibon himself,' Balthazar added. 'There are too many to suspect.'
    Gaspar nodded. 'What is needed is an oracle.'
    'You mean to kill a beast as the Romans do?'
    Gaspar shook his head. 'My oracle will be a living animal.' He saw the
herdsman Ramoth leading their horses. 'My steed will tell me who has our gold.'
    'Your horse?' fat Balthazar laughed. 'Who learns anything from a dumb animal?'
    Gaspar held out some grain for the horse. 'You see how he eats? He is
    'What does that tell us?' Melchior asked.
    'That our gold was stolen by Ramoth!'
    It was after Dibon spoke to Ramoth that the young herdsman confessed his
crime and begged forgiveness. When the missing gold had been returned to
Gaspar's hands, the others questioned him.
    'How did you know it was Ramoth?' Melchior asked. 'We barely spoke to the
    'My horse told me, as I told you he would. The horse was hungry, so had
not been fed. You see, the thief never touched our other supplies, never
unfastened Balthazar's special knot. How could he have found the gold so
easily, without searching for it? But the gold was hidden in a sack of grain,
and after the fire destroyed the stable, Ramoth came in search of feed for our
horses. He came while we were away, and looked in only one place—the grain bag.
Feeling the weight of it, his fingers reached through the grain and came upon the
gold. He stole it, but then could not take the grain lest we realize he was the
thief. So the horses went hungry.'
    'You are a wise man, Gaspar,'' Balthazar conceded.
    'As we all are. Come, let us mount.'
    'It will be dark soon,' Melchior said.
    Gaspar nodded. 'We will get bearings from the star.'
    Dibon was by the well to wish them farewell. 'Ramoth will be punished,' he
    'Show mercy,' Gaspar said.
    'Do you ride west with your gold?'
    'West with gifts for a King. Gold and frankincense and myrrh.'
    'Good journey,' Dibon said.
    He watched them for a long time, until the three vanished from sight over
the desert wastes.
to Table of Contents

6 - Murder in Store by P ETER LOVESEY

    P ETER LOVESEY (b. 1936) made his
name with a series of mystoricals (eight in all) set in Victorian times and
featuring the down-to-earth

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