After Dark

Free After Dark by Donna Hill

Book: After Dark by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
    She whirled toward him. “Yeah, I’d say we do.”
    Ron came to the love seat and sat down. He rested his forearms on his thighs. “Guess I’ll go first.”
    Elizabeth pursed her lips and sat down opposite him, thankful for her momentary reprieve.
    He told her about his visit earlier in the day from the two agents, who’d inadvertently accused him of accepting payments and shipments from someone they had under suspicion for illegal activities—his supplier.
    â€œWhat did they do, pick your name out of a hat?”
    â€œRemember when I told you that, ever since my days with the Panthers, I get these periodic checkups—it could be a call or an appearance by someone unfamiliar. But I know I’ve been watched through the years.” She listened as he continued. “Well, with all the stepped-up surveillance programs with Homeland Security, apparently, my name put up a red flag when it was connected to my supplier.”
    â€œWho is your supplier?”
    â€œThis guy in Philly.”
    â€œHow well do you know him?”
    â€œI don’t. He’s just a guy I’ve been using.”
    â€œThis is crazy. Now they want to investigate the spa and our connection to you. I have yet to let Barbara and the girls know.”
    â€œI need an attorney,” he cut in. “I was hoping you could put me in touch with Ann Marie’s guy, Sterling.”
    â€œSure. I’ll let her know to have him contact you.”
    â€œThe sooner, the better,” he said warily. “That was one of the reasons why I’d called you earlier,” he said, turning the spotlight on her.
    She squirmed a bit in her seat. “I was going to tell you about that.”
    â€œI’m listening.”
    She pushed out a breath. “This morning I got a call from Matthew…”
    Ron’s brows rose as she spoke. A part of him was saddened for her ex. You wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. But another part was disappointed. This was the second time that she’d hidden something from him regarding her ex-husband, which made him wonder if there was still something between them.
    â€œWhy didn’t you just tell me, Ell?” he asked once she was done.
    â€œI—I wanted to. I’d started to, but everything happened so fast.”
    â€œEllie, if we’re going to do this thing together, we have to trust each other.” He looked at her for a long moment. “Do you still have feelings for him.”
    Her head jerked up. “No. Of course not. Not like that.”
    He slowly nodded his head.
    â€œHe just called,” she confessed. “While you were ringing the bell.”
    â€œHe sounded really sick. He wanted me to go with him back to the hospital. I told him to take a cab,” she said, sounding as awful as she felt about what she’d done.
    â€œDo you want to go, Ellie?”
    She looked into his eyes, trying to gauge his real feelings. “He doesn’t have anyone else…” she managed to get out.
    Ron stood. “Then, you should go. Have you told the girls what’s going on?”
    She shook her head. She knew she would have to tell their twin daughters if Matt hadn’t. They deserved to know.
    â€œMaybe the two of you need to talk about telling your kids,” he said, his tone as tight as a drum-skin.
    She tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth.
    â€œWhy don’t you change your clothes and go on over to the hospital?” he said.
    She got up and went to him. She pressed her head to his chest, hoping that he would wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything was going to be all right. But he didn’t. He just stood there until she moved away. She backed up and looked into his eyes. And, for the first time since they’d been together, she didn’t see herself reflected there and it frightened her.
    She turned away. “I’m going to change. I’ll be

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