Never Without Hope (Sacred Vows Book 1)

Free Never Without Hope (Sacred Vows Book 1) by Michelle Sutton

Book: Never Without Hope (Sacred Vows Book 1) by Michelle Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Sutton
    “ Say maybe eleven o’clock? Is good for you?”
    “ I think I can do it. Sometimes my husband surprises me and pops in around lunch, but lately he hasn’t been coming home. It depends on where he’s working that day. He does construction work mostly. Some contract stuff.”
    “ Is he still not making love to you?” His voice grew husky.
    Just hearing Tony say those words gave me a delicious thrill. My wretched body wanted him so much —wanted anyone really—that my brain just shut off and I decided it was worth the risk. As long as Tony was available, I’d be there. “No, he’s not.”
    “ I am so sorry for hearing that. I make much love to you when I see you. You will not be sad anymore. Okay, my sweet?”
    Ick, that ’s what he’d called his wife on the phone. For a moment I felt like I was being played, but rationalized that we were meeting each other’s needs. I was doing this willingly. I would pay for it, but while Tony was available I would find a way to see him.
    “ Sure, Tony. I’ll be there. I’ll just say I need to run an errand or something if my husband comes home.”
    “ See you then. I miss you so much, Bella Speranza . I think of you as I wait.”
    “ Me, too.” I snapped my cell phone shut and tiptoed into my room so I wouldn’t wake James.
    I pulled on a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt and climbed in bed. To my amazement my husband put his arms around me and held me close. Then, he started rubbing me in places that meant something could happen. I was delighted, yet afraid. My reason for seeing Tony was because of James ’s neglect. What if he came around and started loving me again? Would I still see Tony? I didn’t want to answer my own question because I knew the answer.
    I was too weak.

    Chapter 6
    T he next day I was so distracted with thoughts of Tony that I failed to hear my son come home from school until he stood behind me.
    “ Hey, Mom. What’s for snack?” Jimmy dropped his backpack on my bed and kissed my cheek.
    I snapped out of my daydream long enough to really look at my child. I loved my son. He was such a great kid. My obsession with Tony was causing me to really slack off at home. And last night when James rubbed my sensitive areas, I actually nudged him away. Was I crazy? Maybe.
    But I was still feeling a bit hurt from the previous night. James had apologized, but would he change? I hadn’t felt his excitement against me when he touched me so I figured things would end in an argument anyway. Better to not even “go there.”
    Ironically, James hadn ’t seemed to mind. Which, of course, proved my point.
    “ Hey, Sport, I thought we’d go get something. What do you say? Want to bring home a pizza?” I rubbed my son’s head knowing full well that he’d jump and scream, “Yes!” Which he did. Right in my ear.
    Sticking my finger in my ear, I jiggled it inside and tossed an annoyed look at Jimmy. He knew my hearing was sensitive, the little stinker. But I love him so much. Tears filled my eyes when I considered what would happen if Jimmy found out about my affair. Swiping the moisture from my eyes before it spilled over, I sucked in a deep breath.
    Jimmy paused and looked at me a bit closer. “Are you feeling sad again, Mom?”
    “ A little. Now go put your backpack away so we can get to the pizza place before dinner rush.” I swatted his behind with a little tap.
    He laughed and ran off, backpack over his shoulder and a big grin on his face. What would happen to his delightful little world if I were exposed? Then again, I ’m sure he already sensed things weren’t that great between me and his dad lately. Jimmy was a pretty observant kid. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to find a way to work things out between his dad and me.
    While he got ready , I phoned in our order. Jimmy and I made it to the shop in record time and even had to wait a few minutes for our order. As we sat in the SUV, I

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