Naked Canvas (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Free Naked Canvas (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) by Sadie Grey

Book: Naked Canvas (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) by Sadie Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Grey
    I looked up at Dominic. I could feel the desperation written on my face. Between heaving gulps of air, I begged him. “Please don’t stop!”
    He smiled a grim smile. “Do you want to come?”
    “Yes,” I moaned. “Please. Please.” I was almost sobbing I was so desperate.
    “Then you have to surrender.”
    I thrashed against my bindings. “Please, just let me come,” I begged breathlessly.
    Something broke inside of me.
    “I surrender, Mr. Bell,” I howled. “I surrender.”
    Electricity exploded between my legs. The ridge vibrated with a savage intensity, harder than it had before. Every nerve ending in my body was set ablaze and pleasure shook me like an earthquake. I clenched my jaw and my body began to shake.
    I looked into his eyes and I plummeted over the edge. A low animal moan escaped my throat as my orgasm screamed through me with insane force. Nothing in the world existed except the crashing tidal wave of bliss thrilling my body. I writhed and bucked against the saddle and I felt myself gushing against it.
    The motors of the machine beneath me slowed down and stopped. I continued to shake and spasm. The feel of the ridge between my legs was too much now. My body was too sensitive. I tried to collapse off of it but my trembling legs were too weak and my hands were still tied to the saddle.
    Dominic appeared before me and quickly untied my bindings. As soon as my hands were free, I threw my arms around him and he lifted me from the machine. I couldn’t stand. Tremors still shook my body.
    He held me up with one arm around my hips. I felt him remove the clamps from my breasts and loosen the buckles of the corset with his free hand. Then he pulled me tight against him. I pressed my face into his shoulder and wept.
    He held me like that until my body stopped shaking and I could finally catch my breath. His touch was gentle. He stroked my back and my neck and whispered soothing words into my ear.
    “You were amazing. Simply amazing.”
    The small part of my brain that was still functioning beamed with pride at pleasing him.
    He picked me up in his arms and carried me to his bed. I sank gratefully into the soft nest of covers. He leaned over me. I thought he wanted to kiss me or something more. I put an unsteady hand against his chest.
    “I can’t,” I said.
    He smiled at me. “I’m not asking you to. Just get some rest.” His lips pressed against my forehead.
    “That was wow,” I said. “Just wow.” My voice sounded sleepy and thick in my ears.
    “I told you. Amazing things can happen when you surrender.”
    I nodded. “I know I’m still on the clock, but I think I need a moment.”
    He smiled a warm smile. “That’s fine,” he said. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from my cheek. “Rest up.”
    “How much time is left?”
    “Don’t worry about that now.”
    “Tell me.” I could already feel myself drifting into sleep. From far away, I heard his voice.
    “Twenty-three hours to go.”

Chapter 10
    My body awoke in stages. The lights flickered on in my brain, but my limbs remained still. Warmth and comfort cradled me in a lover’s embrace. Every part of me was relaxed and at ease. A deep feeling of satisfaction wove through every fiber of my being. I stretched like a cat beneath the soft sheets and almost purred at the delicious feeling.
    My eyes fluttered open. An unfamiliar ceiling of crisscrossed steel beams hung over me. This was not my bed. Reality snapped back into place and the events from earlier in the day crashed over me.
    I was at Dominic’s. He had dressed me up like his kinky sex slave and photographed me. The memory was shaded with guilt and shame. I had never opened up that way in front of anyone before. I had never felt so desperate and out of control. And I had never come so hard in all my life.
    It felt like a crazy

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